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The first few days of filming were pretty intense. We started off with as much as possible that could be done in the studios and we would, later on, do some more on location. But it was Thursday today and I was reminded by my calendar that today is Lizzie's book launch.

This wouldn't be until the afternoon so I decided to just have a chill morning and take some rest after working pretty much non-stop for the past few days.

Working on the set had been so much fun. There was so much laughter and joy going around the set and everyone was still in the phase of being excited about this movie. I knew that that would slowly die down the longer we would keep filming. Sure people are still excited at that point but they are getting tired of the long days that you make on a set. I saw it happen on the set of Project Artemis, when you get into the final stretch people are just more eager to get it done than to be there. The end of one project, for most at least, means they get to start on something new and fresh.

I, for the first time in weeks, wake up without an alarm screaming through the room. I get myself ready in a chill outfit, I will change once I am getting ready to go to the event.

After getting my sunglasses and hat, which are hiding my face, I make my way to a little café where I get myself some breakfast and a coffee. I am in and out in a few minutes, not really wanting to be recognized right now. As always there is still some photographer standing on the other side of the road, but I ignore them as that is usually what I do in these situations. On the streets of LA, there will always be people ready with a camera, to capture any celebrities that they can spot walking down the street.

I learned very early on that when you ignore them, that they usually just leave you alone and won't bother you with questions. They just want the pictures they can sell.

On my walk back home I decide that now is a good time to call my girlfriend. We haven't talked in a little bit because we are both so busy and I am missing her tons.

The phone rings for a few seconds but she luckily picks up. Sitting on set in her new and improved Yelena costume.

"Hiya, darling." She says, with a huge grin on her face and waving at her phone like she is a toddler.

"Hi bug, are you busy?"

"No, you called at the perfect time. I am just waiting around on set like always. What are you doing today? You're free from work, right?"

"Yep, just walking home from getting myself some breakfast. Later today I'm going to Lizzie and Robbie's book launch for the new Hattie Harmony. I miss you." I tell her. Walking down the LA streets, making sure to keep an eye out whenever I am crossing a street. I don't really want to get run over by a car, especially now.

"Oh looks and sounds good. But when we are together again, I am cooking for you. You are way too lazy at that. Also, tell Lizzie I said hi. And I miss you too." She says making me laugh.

We continue talking for as long as I am walking home. but just as I open the door she is called to set and we have to say goodbye to each other.

I sit down to eat the sandwich and drink the coffee that I had just gotten, all the while scrolling through TikTok. More and more stuff about me has surfaced on the internet. There is already a whole Wikipedia page dedicated to me. Not that there is a lot on there right now, since most people don't know about my life before I met Scarlett and became famous, but there is still something.

I have grown to fame quite quickly, which I never thought would happen but apparently, people are interested in me. I am not going to lie, I would too if I wasn't living it myself.

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