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Scarlett calling last night was very inconvenient. I can understand why she did it and if Rose is anything like us she can be very persuasive. It's just that I am very busy right now. A lot is going on with filming right now. We were in the middle of a night shoot that was going to be pretty intense and I needed to focus on that. So yeah I picked up a little agitated.

But today I have a little more time since it is the weekend and that usually means that we are free. I take a good amount of time sleeping in since I only got home at about 5 in the morning. We went from 9 to 4 and I was exhausted after that.

I make myself some breakfast and a much-needed coffee because as always I was up at 9 in the morning and couldn't sleep any more. After that I take a shower, it is very disgusting to do, but I was too tired to properly shower this morning so I went to bed with my make-up still half on my face and sweaty from the action scenes we had been shooting, let's not forget the dirt that always ends up everywhere on way or another.

Finally, after getting myself ready for the day I plant myself on the couch with yet another cup of coffee as I click on Scarlett's contact on my phone.

I had promised Rose that I would call her today and it looked like she really needed it or wanted it last night.

"Hey, Mom. As promised, I would call today." I tell her when she picks up and her face appears on my screen.

"Oh yeah of course. I am so sorry about last night but Rose wouldn't go to bed until she had spoken to you. Give me a sec and I'll give her to you." She tells me as she lays her phone down on what I presume is the kitchen counter and puts some stuff on a plate, picking that and the phone up again. "Rose I have lunch and Y/N," she tells my little sister.

"Hey, little bean."

"Y/N, mama has been letting me watch all my favourite movies today." She says a little loud and I can hear Scarlett shush her a little bit in the background. Knowing Scarlett she has probably just planted Rose on the couch to keep her occupied and an eye on her. She is most likely going all momma bear over her, just like she did the time I got hurt.

"Well, what a lucky kid you are. Does it still hurt?" I say pointing to her head so she knows what I am talking about.

"Yeah, it does a little bit. Mommy has been keeping me on the couch and taking care of me. Y/N when are you coming back I miss you and I want to play with you?" she asks me.

"Oh, I won't be back for a little bit. I am very busy with work. I'm sorry, Rosie, I would love to but I have made a commitment to something. But when I get the chance I will visit okay? I just don't know when that is."

"Okay. I hope it is soon." She pouts a little.

"Yeah me too. And a little tip from your older sister, you can get anything you want from Mom right now if you ask. Because you're hurt." I whisper.

"Y/N don't tell her that. Oh, you two are so much trouble sometimes." Scarlett sighs from the background.

"Sorry Mom, but it is true. You are so easy to convince in these cases. It is your weakness." I tease her.

"Y/N!" she says, snatching the phone from Rose's hands. Instead of whining just goes back to eating and watching her show. I had gathered that she was done talking to me for a little bit and just wanted to watch her show or movie.

Scarlett walks back to the kitchen table, where I know she can still keep an eye on her kids since Cosmo is sat next to Rose on the couch. I have a feeling she wants to talk to just me.

I know that I have been neglecting our relationship a little bit over the past few weeks. But I have just been so incredibly busy that I would sometime just forget to talk to her or didn't have the time to do so.

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