Chapter 23

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"Again!" Rias tried to control her Power of Destruction into a small little aura around her. An actual physical aura that can be used as a weapon by her. Her brother wanted her to be able to use her power at will without concentrating heavily. This would be the first step, making sure that she could instantly summon a barrier around her body. Relaxing her body, Rias closed her eyes and began to relax her mind. Slowly, she began expanding her aura outwards... "Now... I want you to think about nothing but the magical presence within you. I want you to slowly expel the power into your body, surrounding yourself with it. Let it engulf your very figure." Doing as her brother said... Rias began to slowly visualize herself with a core burning with the Power of Destruction.

'Everything... Is going smoothly.' It had been the second day of her training with her brother and she already can tell the many things she has done wrong throughout her years of training. A major mistake that she had done with her power was instead of letting it flow within her, she would instead instantly try to concentrate the power into a condensed sphere which... Even with her control of her power, would never work out well.

Sirzechs, upon seeing this, squinted his eyes to see his sister's aura beginning to slowly engulf her body. "I want you to continue this... Stay in this exact mindset and we'll begin training. It's not about the offense someone needs, it's better to have defense. Don't use the power of destruction to attack me, just try to dodge and use it to deflect my attacks."

Nodding, Rias opened her eyes and heard a single word. "DODGE!"

And she was smacked right across the face, sending her flying right into the wall, but she still had her aura around her body. She was going to go through some difficult times...

While Rias was training with her brother, Issei was sitting down in his house staring into the television. He put on the television to it would seem to his parents that he was staring at something rather than nothing because he wasn't watching the show, he was simply in his own thoughts. After reaching level 60, Issei had obtained a specific quest. It was interesting to say the least since it wasn't a  regular quest asking him to complete difficult tasks, but rather a race changing quest.


Race Changing Quest: Survive as long as you can in the dungeon

Objective: You will be placed into an infinite world to be fighting against thousands upon thousands of monsters. The longer you can survive and the more enemies defeated, the better the race you will change into. Upon being defeated, you will be automatically transmitted right back to your original location before entering the dungeon. Leveling up will be available during the dungeon.

Restrictions: You will only have 5 large health points and 5 large mana potions available


He was left with this... defeating as many monster as he needed to defeat and survive as long as he could... he could do that. Deciding to enter the dungeon, he clicked the yes button and was transmitted into the very first area he had ever entered in. The first dungeon he entered... the desert area.


Monsters defeated: 0

Time survived: 1 second


And so it began...

The very fog that forms whenever he entered the dungeon showed up again... however, the entire desert was quickly infused by the fog. The sand began to change colors until it was, rather than being the yellowish-orange color, was now a grayish-white color. Instead of the fog spawning the enemies, Issei was met with the enemies rupturing the ground with their hands and crawling up. The first zombies that he fought against... they were back.

Issei: The Mind of GamesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon