Chapter 1

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"Could you die for me?"

Shooting his eyes open once more with sweat dripping down his entire face, he was met with numbers... There were countless numbers, all of them with short words next to them. The memory of her... The last words she said to him that he could process... They stayed in his mind.

Gasping for breath, Issei could only be confused... He was supposed to be dead. Looking down to his bloody hands, he widened his eyes and gasped, the huge hole in his chest was gone, yet the blood that was left from the wound was still trailing down his arm.

"This... Doesn't... How?" Flabbergasted, he could only remain silent a little longer before he spoke, "I... I'm alive... I'M ALIVE!"

He could only smirk slightly at the realization that he wouldn't have to go to the afterlife just yet. However, the cheerful moment was short-lived as he began remembering what caused him to be in this situation. His heart was shattered... The one thing that he wanted, the one thing that he yearned, the one thing that he so desperately needed... was the one thing that had killed him.

He only wanted the comfort, the love, the warmth of having a partner, someone that he could love... but what he got was a woman out of this world ready to rip him out of this world.

Everything was supposed was going smoothly... Yet, Issei knew that something was off. It was just... too easy. The smile that she gave... It never left even throughout the entire date. It just... Gave him a bad feeling and he should have trusted his gut and left.

Everything that he did, all the perverted thoughts, the perverted tricks, and the perverted situations that he would get into, they would bring women to drive their presence away from him... Yet, this woman that he never had seen once had decided that she had a crush on him and wanted to go out with him. The signs were there...

"Why?... Why did I ever think that this world would be kind to me? None of this... would have happened if I ever thought with my head," Gripping onto his head in frustration and clenching his teeth with tears rolling down his face, Issei could only look up into the sky while holding back from crying his heart out. "I never thought... I never thought it would come to this..." Crying with pain in his heart... Issei would never trust anyone ever again.

Beginning to calm down slightly... There was only one thought in his mind. The world would always go against him...

"That woman... I will..." Squeezing his hands into a fist, he began clenching them with all his might. His fists began turning red from the sheer pressure he was applying, he was going to make sure that she would pay. "I will get the last laugh."

He didn't care about anything else...

He will get his revenge.

Screw being the bigger man...

He will rip her to shreds...

He would make her beg for mercy... and all that he would do is crush her.

Closing his eyes and reopening them with a little bit more calmness to them, Issei knew that he needed to change. He couldn't view women the same anymore... no way was he going to see women as the thing that he wanted the most. He was far too terrified of what they might to again... what if they had decided to hurt him again?

The chances of those... are still there and knowing what type of man he was, it would certainly happen again. He didn't want to feel that pain again... he didn't want to get his heart broken again. He would change... He didn't need a man or a woman... he only needed himself. He only needed me, myself, and I.


+1 Intelligence


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