Chapter 8

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How long was it?

Standing in the middle of the street with his new gigantic figure, Issei could only fathom the anger his mother would probably have when seeing him.

What was he going to say?

"Hey Mom, I just went into Narnia and came back a little bit taller and much buffer. Don't mind it though, I'm still your little boy."

Yeah, like that would work... Wait, Issei had a plan. Maybe he could crouch a little bit to make himself a little smaller. No... that would just make him look more awkward.

There was only one thing he could do... He needed to walk into the house and immediately run straight to his room while saying that his day went well.

Before he could do anything... He felt something coming towards him. Backing up, Issei narrowly missed a light spear that was blazing straight towards his chest.

"Oh..." Turning his head towards the source of the spear, Issei was confused to see a blue-haired, curvy woman with black-feathered wings in the sky. She wore a magenta-colored robe that covered her body and truly showcased her curves.

"I thought Raynare had killed you... nevertheless, she could never do something right." Widening his eyes, that name was that woman's name.


Name: Kalawarner

Race: Fallen Angel

Level: 18

HP: 1050/1050

MP: 750/750

STR: 23

AGL: 24

END: 21

INT: 30

Bonus: Deals 30% extra damage to Devils


She wasn't strong... add in the de-buff of her being lower leveled than him... this was going to be a slaughter, even if Issei wasn't a good fighter.

"So... You plan on killing me as well..." Issei frowned... No explanation, no reasoning, all because he should have been dead. No remorse...

"Of course... Lowly humans like you are insignificant... You should be honored that someone of my caliber is choosing to even interact with you."

"Your caliber? What? Prostitution on the streets ready to be in anyone's sheets?"

Kalawarner glared at Issei, "How dare you-"

"Like seriously... look at what you're wearing? You're wearing some old clothing that could have been sewed by collecting things from the street, you look like an actress straight from a gang bang scene and yet here you are in front of me saying you're a caliber above me."

"Why you little-"

"Can't call me little when you're not even up to my chin..."

The Fallen Angel had enough and rushed straight at Issei in rage, forming a light spear in hand, she went for a vertical swipe to end Issei. What she didn't expect was for Issei to grab his Great Sword out from his inventory and activate Lion's Claw.

Jumping straight into the air and spinning with his sword in hand, building up momentum with the swing, Issei met with the light spear faster than the Fallen Angel could react and slammed the swing straight into her, piercing straight through the light spear and cutting off the Fallen Angel's right arm and the lower half of her right leg. Issei's strength was just on a whole different level...

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