Chapter 12

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Rushing straight towards the knight, Issei watched as the knight moved faster than him, swinging its blade straight at him, Issei met the blade with his shield. Parrying the blow, Issei was able to swing his sword, missing the knight. However, right behind the knight, Kiba came in and was able to land a quick swing. However, due to the level discrepancy and the boosted stats, Kiba was barely able to damage the knight through the 80% damage reduction it had over him.

Issei watched as the knight faced Kiba, taking his chance and activating Tank and using Lion's Claw. Issei spun in the air, but the knight had already noticed him. Issei was met with a powerful stab, but... he tanked straight through it thanks to the hyper amor of Lion's Claw and landed a devastating blow. If it were any other enemy, he would have done a good portion of the monster's health. However, the knight was built different... The knight didn't flinch and grabbed Issei by the throat and slammed him hard into the ground.

Coughing up blood from the sheer force of the impact, Issei swung his hand in hopes of hitting the knight. Making contact with the knight, Issei watched as the knight remained unphased. Taking its hand, Issei felt the knight land a powerful punch to his face. While the knight was focusing on Issei, Rias threw an energetic ball of destruction at the knight. Rias, being of a higher level, could deal 40% more damage to the knight. Making contact with the knight, Issei watched as the knight was blown away.

"Issei, are you okay?"

Issei looked at Rias, "Not the time Rias."

Issei rushed at the knight once more, but the knight used its superior speed to maneuver its way behind Issei and swing its blade to land another blow straight onto Issei. Tanking the blow, Issei felt a good portion of his health being drained from that, but Issei watched as the knight didn't stop. Grabbing Issei and throwing him into the air, the knight empowered its blade and swung again, Issei tried to block the blow, but he was too slow. The knight landed consecutive blows...









It was relentless... Each blow cutting into Issei's skin while he could only grit his teeth from the sheer pain. Nothing had prepared him for this... monster...

The knight continued... stabbing Issei straight through the stomach... Issei was left helpless... Rias and Akeno kept shooting magic, but the knight ignored their attacks in hopes of destroying Issei.

When the knight prepared a powerful charged attack, that was when Issei moved his sword in hopes of blocking. He was able to block, but the sheer power behind the blow still had damaged him. Landing on the ground, skidding across and finally coming to a stop. Issei was glad that he chose being a Golem... he would have definitely been killed from all that punishment. Coughing up blood while looking down at his bleeding chest, Issei could only grit his teeth before thinking.

Activating Tank again and empowering his blade with energy, Issei had a plan. Slamming his foot and shattering the ground, leaving the knight in the air. Rushing towards the knight, Issei watched as the knight empowered its blade. They both swung their blades, colliding in the middle. Issei would have been stronger if it weren't for the boost that the knight had on. They were about even in strength... neither would budge... However, that was when Issei felt the knight beginning to overtake his strength. Not letting that happen, Issei began charging his blade... The knight began doing the same...

Rias watched as the collision between the two began heating up the area. Koneko was in no condition to even come remotely close to the two... She was easily the largest liability in the area. Rias and Akeno were waiting for the perfect time to launch their magic at the knight... If they attacked right now, Issei would most definitely be in the crossfire.

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