Chapter 2

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It's been a couple of days... When arriving back at his home, he was greeted by his mother and father. They looked worried seeing their son without his white shirt and a stoic expression. Not trying to worry them, Issei simply said that the woman didn't want to see him again. There was no need to tell them about anything else.

Back to what Issei had been doing. For the past couple of days, he had been experimenting with what he needed to do to increase his stats. Turns out, the simple stuff like push ups and reading books weren't cutting it anymore after the first additional stat increase. So, Issei used weights to increase his stats, but it only increased his strength by one.

What Issei had realized is that since his strength was increasing exponentially rather than linearly, he had to apply a more ridiculous stimulus rather than the same one. It didn't matter how many reps of how many hours he read, he needed to up his game.

What did he resort to?


Quest: Open a dungeon

Details: Using the dungeon icon in the menu, open your very first dungeon.


All of Issei's thoughts had been interrupted when he got his second quest. Seeing the menu screen with his stats, Issei turned his focus to the small tabs that were on the side. One of them was unlocked, he could access it and there was a small arrow that was pointing to it. Clicking on it, the screen opened up with another text box.


Dungeon Maker:

Accessible Dungeons: Tutorial Dungeon

Difficulty: Very easy

Ready to create: Yes/No


Clicking on the yes button, he was immediately transported to a different area.

Upon appearing in the secluded area, Issue could only gasp upon seeing the many rocks, cracks, and large canyons that surrounded him. Standing on top of one huge hill, he was immediately blinded by the sun. It appeared as if he was currently in a desert. The desert had extended to unbelievable lengths, way beyond Issei's eye sight.

'This... is going to be annoying.' The heat was already taking its toll on him. Ripping his shirt off, he didn't want to be uncomfortable with whatever was going to transpire. Knowing from regular games that dungeons mean monsters trying to kill him, Issei was a little bit terrified. He was on the lookout...

Turning to see behind him, there was nothing around...

However, that was when he noticed a small little fog-like substance appearing out of thin air. There were multiple of these clustered substances all around the area...

In an instant, the fog disappeared and some zombies were seen standing where the fog was.


Name: Zombies (Group)

Race: Undead

Level: [1-3]

HP: [0-150]

STR: [1-3]

AGL: [0.5-1]

END: [1-3]


The tattered-clothed zombies, with many of them missing limbs and missing huge chunks of their flesh, began slowly crawling towards him. They were much slower than Issei... but this definitely had Issei terrified. He had never seen something this... horrid.

Issei: The Mind of GamesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz