Chapter 13

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"Brother, he was like this! And then, he was like that! It was so cool! Then, he even hugged me and told me that everything was going to be alright." Rias exclaimed while calling her brother.

Sirzechs looked at his sister with relief. Upon seeing his sister through the communication circle, he was panicking seeing the bruises, the cuts, the bloody face. He was instantly going to rush towards her without any regard for anything around her. He was going to kill whoever would hurt one of his family members. However, Rias smiled and began calming her brother down. Now, here she was telling how her hero had saved her. She began telling her brother how cool Issei was when saving her.

Where was Issei? Well, Issei had brought Rias to her club house... Most of her members were in critical states while Rias herself was absolutely destroyed physically and mentally from the knight. "Where is this hero of yours?" Sirzechs wanted to thank the man that saved his little adorable sister...

Issei didn't really have anything else to do... He needed to recover before he could go on another mission. So, when he dropped Rias and her peerage of at the club house, he quickly left leaving her to call her brother.

Rias sighed a little before looking at her brother, "He disappeared... He said he had something to do with his family. I really wanted to give him something... Anything really, like money, jewelry, or even weapons... he went through all that trouble... all that pain just to save me and my peerage when he didn't even need to be there."

Sirzechs sighed in disappointment, maybe this man could have been the person that could save his little sister from a certain blonde-haired man. "Well, I'll be coming with Grayfia with some Phoenix Tears to heal you all."

Closing the communication circle, Sirzechs was left with his wife right next to him. "I feel so... relieved seeing her safe."

Grayfia chuckled, "You really care for her... a little too much at times."

Sirzehcs pouted towards his wife, "I'm only giving her what I didn't have during the Devil Civil War." Sirzechs wanted to make sure that his sister would be able to have the best time that she could without any conflicting wars occurring. What he couldn't get was the things that he would give his sister.

"Who knows? Maybe if another war happens, Rias might be able to find her true love." Grayfia jokingly said while holding onto Millicas, who was trying to sleep in his mother's hold.

Sirzechs shook his head causing Grayfia to laugh even harder. Gently grabbing his son from his wife's hold, Sirzechs could only lovingly stare at his son. "I'm just glad that she has someone else besides me to rely on now. I hoped that she would find another person to view as a hero... Because I won't be there all the time to help her."

Grayfia remained quiet before placing her hands on her husband's shoulders. "He truly is like you... Millicas is just a baby version of you."

"Father like son..."

"Yet the father still acts like an immature child most of the time."

Sirzechs scrunched his face and pouted, "Grayfia is a meanie."

Grayfia could only sigh... This was her husband. "No... Grayfia is always right."

Issei was sitting down on the couch next to his mother and father. They finished the first movie and went along to watch the sequel to the first movie. The number of times his father had screamed in fear while his mother did the same... it was ridiculous.

Instead of watching the movie, Issei began thinking about things. 'That knight was... built like me. Its stats were leagues above other creatures around its level.' The fight with the knight had brought Issei to being far more cautious about exploring the world. It was thanks to Rias and her peerage that he was able to defeat it... If Rias hadn't incinerated the sword, he wouldn't be here sitting with his family.

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