Chapter 7

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Defeated: 1000/1000

Reward: Titanite shard


That was definitely not as easy as Issei thought it would be. If it wasn't for his damage reduction and the level damage reduction, he would have been cooked. Not only did they have magic to enhance their bodies to take less damage, but they were able to think of plans somewhat cohesively in beating him. If it wasn't for his brute raw strength being able to one shot each and every single enemy in the area, he wouldn't be alive right now.

How many times did he level up? Only four times. From what Issei had thought is that since he was defeating the same enemy over and over again, the system registered the enemy as not being a threat which required exponentially more experience points from the same enemy to level up.

Now, onto the thing that he wanted to know, what was this titanite? It was quite surprising to only see that as a reward when he had to do a very tedious task to obtain it.

"I wonder... Is this an upgrade material?"


Titanite shard

Details: A rare and powerful mineral that the very gods used to make their weapons. If sufficient amount is applied to any weapon, that weapon will become more powerful and deadlier.


Holy shit! He guessed it right!

Opening his menu screen, Issei saw an arrow pointing towards a new icon that had unlocked having a pickaxe and a blueprint as the picture. Clicking on it, Issei was met with his three weapons being there and his armor. Seeing his Great Sword, covered in a blue color in the inventory box, he clicked on it immediately.


Welcome to the upgrading station

Here, you will be able to upgrade all equipment depending on how many upgrade materials you have

First upgrade will be free


Upon that message being thrown away, Issei was met with another screen.


Great Sword --> Great Sword (+1)

Attributes: +10 STR --> +11 STR

Cost: 1 Titanite

Proceed with action: Yes/No


Clicking on the Yes button immediately, Issei was excited to know that his favorite weapon was already becoming more powerful. Now, he was going to be on the lookout for these materials. Closing his screen, Issei began walking quietly through the hallways.

Once arriving at the end of the hallway, Issei busted the door open to see stairs in front of him. Walking up them, Issei entered a beautiful red room filled with pictures of the outside world. Windows scattered all around in patterns showing the outside world filled with snow. Issei was assuming that he entered the castle... There was a large dining table that was oval shaped that covered the entire middle of the room.

Walking around the table, he found a door that led to the main hallway of the castle. Exploring a little bit, Issei began opening each door... to find nothing. However, that was when he noticed the end of the hallway glowing up with a sapphire blue color. Walking towards the area, Issei walked into the throne room. Sitting in the middle of the room was a king... Being similar to the others in the area with crystalized humanoid structure, the difference was that this king was as large as the golem. Sitting up, the king announced himself.

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