Chapter 6

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Landing in the terrain, Issei was met with a beautiful sight. Nestled precariously on the side of a sheer cliff, amidst a blanket of pristine snow, stands a majestic castle, its grandeur unparalleled against the backdrop of the rugged terrain. The castle, constructed from weathered stone, boasts towering spires reaching towards the heavens and sturdy walls that have withstood the test of time. Its architecture is a testament to a bygone era, where craftsmanship and artistry melded seamlessly to create enduring beauty.

The surrounding landscape is a winter wonderland, with snow-capped peaks stretching as far as the eye can see. The air is crisp and clear, filled with the soft sound of wind whispering through the evergreen forests that cloak the lower slopes of the mountain. Looking upon the sight in awe, Issei couldn't help but feel excited wanting to explore the castle far away from him. However, his thoughts were interrupted when he was met with a huge crystalized being.


Name: Ice Golem (Mini-Boss)

Race: Crystal Golem

HP: 2000/2000

Level: 14

STR: 20

AGL: 5

END: 40


Buffs and de-buffs have been applied:

+30 % damage reduction from Player

+30 % damage increase against Player


The first enemy that Issei sees is a higher leveled golem... Not only that, but it was a mini boss. The number of hit points and the amount of damage reduction that he would have to deal with was already annoying. The agility of the monster was horrendous, but he would need to take precautions because he didn't know if he could survive a single hit against this thing.

Taking out his sledgehammers, Issei watched as the thing began slowly walking towards him, shaking the ground with each step.

Noticing the many disproportions of the monster, the legs being very narrow and slim compared to its upper body, Issei began formulating a plan. However, the golem quickly jumped towards Issei, aiming to crush him with his gigantic arms. Narrowly dodging the attack, Issei watched as the ground shook as ice and snow debris flowed through the air from the after math of the slam. Seizing his opportunity, Issei swung his hammer as hard as he could and slammed it straight into the slim legs of the monster.

As he expected, he did barely anything to the monster. Swinging again while the golem began getting up slowly from its previous attack, Issei began chipping away at the thing. Backing away right as the golem fully stood up, Issei watched as the golem began slowly turning towards him. Noticing how slow the turn speed was, Issei used his immense speed and appeared right behind the golem and swung his sledgehammers simultaneously at the same spot he had been attacking.

As expected, nothing happened...

Backing away, he noticed that the health pool of the monster was barely decreasing. It begged the question, should Issei just run away? The chances of him messing up and getting touched versus him chipping away at the monster and eventually winning was... unfair. He knew that he would mess up sooner than he would expect.

No... He couldn't give up just yet. Backing away more, Issei began assessing his surroundings. Turning to see a large cave opening nearby... Issei hoped that maybe there was something that he could find there. Running towards the cave opening, ignoring the golem behind him slowly trailing after him, Issei, at immense speeds, reached the cave opening to find... Nothing.

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