Chapter 18

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His meeting with Artemis was something. After purchasing the Gundam, Issei was walking along the sidewalks to his house, Issei was interrupted when another emergency quest line came in.


Emergency Quest: Some of Artemis's huntresses are in deep danger while she is paying attendance to her father.

Details: There is a cyclops near them, make sure to save them.

Rewards: +++Reputation with Artemis

+Reputation with the Huntresses

This will bring you to have more connections with the Greeks. This could result in more protection and more rewards.


This must be strange... He just met the woman and here he was saving her people. Was the system trying to lean him into being a hero? Was it trying to choose his future... I mean, he could ignore the quest... but now seeing the rewards from Rias from helping her out... He could only wonder what he could get from helping a Goddess out. Opening the menu once more, he noticed a map icon. Opening the icon, Issei noticed that it was a large map of Kuoh and the forest near it. There was a yellow arrow that was highlighting where he needed to go for the quest.

While Issei was running towards the event, what truly happened for Artemis's huntresses to be fighting against a cyclops?

A few minutes ago, one of her huntresses was collecting sticks. She was the youngest one... Her name was Sofia... A petite woman with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She didn't know what she was doing but she wanted to be helpful since Artemis had given her a home when she could have been rotting on the streets. She wanted to be useful to her lady.

With Sofia was her friend Veronica, she had purple hair and was slightly older and taller than her friend Sofia. Veonica was making sure that Sofia wasn't walking into death trap around the area. They may have been more powerful than regular humans, but they weren't as strong as some of the larger and more dangerous beings in the supernatural world.

"Veronica... I collected 15 sticks!" Sofia exclaimed while showing her arms filled with sticks. "Is this enough for our tent?"

"With my 20 sticks... Not even close to being enough. We may be able to borrow some cloth from the others, but we still need sticks for the fire and to sustain the fire." Veronica spoke while collecting a few more sticks. "Just place it inside my bag." Veronica pointed towards her rather large heavy duty black bag on her back. Sofia nodded before opening the bag and placing the sticks inside.

"Do you think our lady will appreciate our work? I even collected some shiny rocks for her..." Sofia spoke while having her big, adorable blue eyes glued to Veronica.

"I don't know... But we can hope that our lady will be happy. We worked together and did everything that all the big girls need help with all by ourselves."

Sofia squealed before the ground began rumbling. "What was that?"

Veronica shrugged her shoulders, "Probably just a bear or something. Come on, let's continue finishing the job."

Sofia nodded, being a little shaken up, but nevertheless, she continued helping Veronica. However, the rumble continued again... That was when Sofia noticed a rather large branch sticking out of the ground in the middle of an open field. Seeing the sheer size of the branch, she knew that she needed to get it. It would easily be enough to make a fire last all by itself... Walking over to the branch... Once touching the branch... That was when a huge body began rupturing through the surface.

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