Chapter 22 Insanity

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Following the fallen angel's feather location, Issei was able to track some movement coming from the forest. A strange wind blew past his face coming from behind him, turning around Issei decided to explore. He may have been foolish to do so, but he would make sure that he was somewhat further away from the source of the wind. Slowly, he rushed toward where the source was going. The rustling continued, and Issei ran faster and faster trying to catch up to whatever was making that sound. However, once running for a few minutes, he stumbled upon a small open area. Rather than walking into the area, he looked around to make sure that he wouldn't fall for a trap. Crouching down, he tried his best to sense anything around.

Issei's remained calm as he cautiously scanned the surroundings of the small open area. He knew better than to rush into unfamiliar territory without thoroughly assessing the situation. He crouched down, his senses on high alert, as he carefully examined the area for any signs of traps or hidden dangers. The open area was bathed in dappled sunlight filtering through the dense canopy of trees above. The grass under Issei's feet was slightly damp, indicating recent rainfall. His eyes darted from one tree to another, searching for any unusual signs or disturbances. The rustling sound that had led him here had ceased, adding to the eerie silence that enveloped the area.

Issei took a deep breath and focused his senses, attuning himself to the subtlest of details. He closed his eyes momentarily, relying on his instincts to guide him. When he reopened his eyes, he began to meticulously examine the ground for any anomalies. He noticed a few small pebbles scattered haphazardly on the forest floor, leading towards a particular spot. Issei's curiosity piqued, and he followed the trail of pebbles, his movements deliberate and cautious. As he approached the designated spot, he noticed a faint outline in the grass-an almost imperceptible indentation.

'Hmm... A hidden area...' Kneeling down, Issei gently brushed away the overgrown foliage to reveal a concealed trapdoor, partially hidden beneath the thick vegetation. The trapdoor appeared to be made of weathered wood, its hinges rusted with age. It was evident that the entrance had not been opened in quite some time.

'Humans couldn't be underneath this trapdoor. It wouldn't make sense... They wouldn't have been able to move faster than me running. Issei continued thinking, there was no way that he was going to enter this. He only had one more chance at life and he wasn't going to waste it with such a foolish risk. Backing away, Issei charged a small energy wave with his sword, moving away and hiding underneath the trees, placing himself within the bushes, Issei swung his sword and a small explosion occurred.

This explosion alerted someone as a few seconds after the explosion, a fallen angel began peeking out through the trap door. Looking around, the fallen angel moved from the trap door and began soaring through the sky. "Humans... Ignorant little vermin, they seem to think playing around with their gadgets is a good idea. Looks like I'll have to kill you vermins."


Name: Fallen Angel

Title: None

Race: Fallen Angel

Level: 42

HP: 2600/2600

MP: 2400/2400

STR: 47

AGL: 51

END: 52

INT: 32

Bonus: +20% damage to devils


Issei frowned upon hearing what the fallen angel had to say. Clenching his hand around his sword, Issei began thinking. 'That expression... that same expression of disgust and disdain... it reminds me of her.' It reminded him of Raynare...

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