Chapter 26

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Serena's eyes shot to Rick's face.
His eyes were shut, and he looked like he had never spoken.
Serena squeezed his hand again, but this time there was no response.
Had she imagined his words?
Serena let go of his hand, and stood back, rubbing her hand over her forehead.
I think I'm just distraught over what has happened. I'm imagining things..

There was a knock at the door, and a nurse came in to check his vitals.
Serena told her about seeing a response, and the nurse hurried out to call the doctor.
Serena waited, as the doctor examined him.

'He's stable. Should be able to come to very soon..'
With that, he left, the nurse leaving with him.


Serena was tired.

The entire day had gone by waiting for Rick to wake up.
Serena hadn't been able to leave his side, although she knew she could have. The hospital was taking good care of him, and they would have informed her on the phone if any change had taken place.
Using the excuse of her restaurant being out of the city, Serena had chosen to stay. Plus, she didn't have any contact information of Rick's parents, and couldn't tell them to come take care.
She had checked on the cafè several times, and things had been running smoothly.
So now, she just sat twiddling her thumbs.
Her stomach grumbled, protesting of her missed meals, but Serena ignored it.

Why am I so concerned? It's not like we mean anything to each other.
Yeah..and we didn't have the great sex a few days ago..
Stop thinking about that! You already mulled over it like crazy!

Serena leaned back against the couch, her eyes closing of their own accord..and the next minute, she was out...


The sound of the waves crashing at the shore accompanied their laughter, as Rick and Serena walked together hand in hand along the beach.

'I really like your zest for life! You make things look so much better than they are..'
Rick smiled at her.

'Yeah? You didn't seem to think so a few months ago..'
Serena said sardonically.

'Hmm..even then I think it was the attraction that came in the way..'
Rick caught her by the waist.

Serena smiled up at him, her heart pounding against her chest.
Rick leaned down, his intention clear, his hand sliding up her shoulder.
Then he began to shake it.

Serena groaned in protest, because she was waiting for his kiss.

'Ma'am, wake up, please!'

Serena suddenly came to, disoriented for a few seconds, until she realised that a nurse was shaking her shoulder, trying to wake her up.
That it was now morning.
And that she had been dreaming..

'Wha..what happened? Rick?'
Serena looked past the nurse, to see the doctor standing at the bedside, hiding her view of him.
She stood up with a jerk, her heart in her throat, as she moved to his side.
'What's wrong? Rick is..'
Serena looked from the doctor to Rick, and was surprised to see his eyes open, the mask off of his face.
'Rick! You are alright!'

Rick had been looking at the doctor, but now turned at the sound of her voice, as if shocked to see her there.

Serena felt the prick of tears behind her eyes, and stopped short.
What even..
She blinked rapidly before speaking.
But, to the doctor.
'Dr. Walters, how is he doing now?'

'He's absolutely fine now. We can keep him under observation here for another day..'

'I don't need to stay here..'
Rick began, but Serena continued talking to the doctor as if he hadn't spoken.

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