Chapter 15

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'Business proposition?'
Serena's eyebrows went up in query.

'Yes, that's right!'
Rick had been leaning back against the chair, but he now sat forward.
'A profitable proposition if I must say so..'

'Alright, alright!'
Serena raised her palms in the air.
'I'm fully curious now..tell me already..'

'I want to hire your café to cater for a birthday party!'

Serena couldn't have been more surprised. She blinked several times.

'You heard me correctly. My mother's birthday is in five days and I need a caterer..'

Serena couldn't believe her ears.
The man who had vowed to take away her property was asking, hiring her cafè to cater a party.
'Are you serious?'
Serena asked, watching him closely. He did look serious.
'You want to hire my restaurant for your mother's party? Are you not feeling well, Rick?'
She reached over to put the back of her palm against his forehead, checking to see if he was feverish.

Rick rolled his eyes at that, and taking hold of her wrist, placed her hand on the table, covering it with his own.
Serena felt a tingle run up her entire arm, and she quickly freed her hand, on the pretext of brushing away a non-existent lock of hair behind her ear.
Rick noticed, but let it go for now.

'Yes! I need a caterer and your cafè has good, why not?'
He shrugged his wide shoulders under his suit jacket.

'My God! A job and compliment all at the same time?'
Serena's eyebrows shot up in disbelief.
'I'm shocked beyond..'

'Oh, come on! You know your cafè is popular around here. And you forget, I've eaten the food here..'

' hear all this from the great Rick Malone, the Rick Malone, who wanted to buy my restaurant..'
Serena uttered without thinking and saw his expressions change suddenly.

'Are you willing to take on the job, or not?'
Rick said, his tone changed now from the easygoing one he had been using.
'I thought it would be a great opportunity for Cup of Sea...but if you are not interested, I do have other options..'

'I'm in a bit of a shock here, if you don't mind!'
Serena rubbed her forehead.
'I...I've hardly catered for a grand party..that is, I'm assuming it's a grand affair?'
She looked at him for confirmation, and nodded when Rick did too.
'Small get togethers, office lunches, never such a big event..'
Her mind was whizzing with questions and possibilities.
There was no doubt, that a catering job with the Malones would be wonderful publicity, but would she be able to manage it?

'You just need to do things on a bigger scale. The quality of the food should not be compromised.'

'I never compromise on quality!'
Serena shot back, offended by his remark.
'I have never..'

'I'm sure you haven't. I was just saying that..'
Rick put in before Serena could go flying off in fury.

'Well, there's no need! I know we serve good food..'
Serena said with pride in her voice.

'There you go!'
Rick slapped his palm on the table.
'That's the confidence needed for a job this big..'

Serena couldn't believe Rick was buttering her so she could accept his offer.
Was it really a wise decision? What if she couldn't handle it? There would be too much embarrassment, not to mention loss of money...

'A private jet will fly you and your staff..'
Rick had continued speaking, and Serena started at his words.

Her brows furrowed.
'What are you talking about?'

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