Chapter 18

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Prepared to hear about Rick and herself, Serena couldn't have been more shocked at Mave's announcement.
Her eyes met Rick's, who looked equally stunned.

But, it was Anna Malone's face which was the worst.
A number of expressions crossed her face, starting from confusion, to shock, to looking flabbergasted.
Michael Malone moved behind her, in support.

Rick stepped near her too, glaring at his brother, who looked as if nothing was wrong.

'Who did you say she was?'
Anna's voice when it came, was calm, too calm.

'Mom..come, let us have dinner..'
Rick took hold of her arm, in an attempt to divert her, but his mother shrugged it away.

'No! Your brother just said something, and I would like to hear..'

'He is just..'
Rick began, wanting to hit his brother right now.
He had never wanted his mother to find out. Atleast, not like this.

'What's the big deal?'
Mave rolled his eyes.
'So, she is the 'other' woman's granddaughter. But that was a long time ago. Grandfather Hugh is not even alive, and neither is his wife!'

His mother gasped, and before anyone could decipher her intentions, she turned around, and walked out of the dining hall.

Even her husband was surprised at her behaviour. He watched her go before turning to Mave.
'What was that about?'
He glared at his son.

'I was just telling her..'

'I know exactly what you were doing!'
Rick caught hold of his brother's t-shirt, and pulled at it in anger.

'Hey! What..'
Mave complained, but Rick looked angry now, bringing his face close to Mave's, as if he was going to punch him.
Mave also caught Rick's collar in defence.

'Stop it, you two!'
Michael Malone interrupted, coming forward to separate the two grown up men.
'Where are your manners? We have guests in the house!'
His tone was low, but firm.
His words made both of them realise that Serena was still standing there, looking stumped at the happenings. They both let go of each other, and fixed their clothes.

'I..I'll just head back..uhm, I have a lot to do tomorrow, so..'
Serena nodded at them all, before hurrying out of the hall.

Rick glared at Mave again.
'Look what you have done! Mom has left, and so has our guest! I ask you, what was the need to bring up something like that, especially in front of Mom?'

'You mean, it's true? Serena is Hugh's granddaughter, I mean step..'
Michael sat down on the sofa behind him.

'Yeah, she is! Her cafè is built on the same property that was Grandfather Hugh's!'
Mave told his father, a flush on his cheeks.

'And how did you find that out? As far as I remember, you have no interest in what goes on in this family, or our company!'
Rick turned on him, frowning.
He had had no clue that Mave knew anything.

'Oh, come on, bro!'
Mave snorted.
'I may not be business oriented like you, but I do stay informed about what goes on!'
There was censure in his tone, which surprised Rick. Mave had never taken any interest in Malone Holdings, despite their father's requests.
So, why the concerns now?

'Really, now? And who keeps you 'informed'?'
Rick narrowed his eyes at his brother, a sense of trepidation arising from somewhere.
Something's fishy here...

'What's with the third degree? I have every right to be...'
Mave began defensively.

'Don't even get started on those 'rights'! I..'

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