Chapter 12

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Serena was poleaxed.

There were two of them!

Serena croaked through a very dry throat.

Rick stepped forward, aware of Serena's astonishment.
He looked at his brother, who was now leaning back against the counter, hands in pockets, looking amused.
'Mave is my twin..identical as you can see..'

'Yes! I see..'
Serena glanced from one to the other, trying to distinguish between the two men. If they hadn't been wearing different clothes (Rick in a suit, and Mave in jeans), she would never have been able to make out who was who.

Rick nodded, before turning to his brother.
'When did you get in? I thought you were travelling with friends..'

Mave stopped leaning against the counter, and straightened.
'Yeah! I fact, I am. One of them lives here in Miami, so we thought to come and enjoy the beach and sun.'

'Mom didn't mention it..'
Rick frowned.

'Because she doesn't know..but..'
He moved forward.
'I'm sure she will get to know now..'
Mave gave Rick a pointed look, which Rick ignored.

'Why don't you come over and stay with me? There's plenty of..'

Mave snorted at that.
'No! Thanks, brother! You know I like the lively scene  and your know what I mean..'

Rick glanced at Serena, who was watching them both with quite some interest.
'Your always..'

' are you doing here? You like the food as well? it something else which brings you here?'
His innuendo was not lost on Rick or Serena, as he looked from one to the other.

Serena came out of her trance, and she gave Mave a glare, before turning back to Lisa.
She was surprised to see the young woman taking in the entire scene as well, with great interest.
'Lisa? Lisa!'

The woman came to, turning to look at Serena.
'Yes, ma'am!'

'There are customers waiting to be seated. Please pay attention!'
Serena gestured to the waiting line and Lisa gave an apologetic look, before turning her attention to them.

'I already got a table. You want to join me?'

For a second, Serena thought Rick was talking to her, but then stopped herself from replying back, when Mave answered.

'Sure! I've been here several times, and I really like the food.'
He motioned for Rick to move forward, before following him.

Rick gave a quick nod to Serena, before leaving.
Serena stood there for a minute, still in shock.
Rick has a twin brother! Why did he never mention him before?
Why would he? It's not like he's your boyfriend or anything!
Ofcourse! But, still..
So, Rick had been right..he had never eaten had been his twin..and that's why he had not recognised me the first time we met..
Her thoughts volleyed inside her head, before another struck her.
Was it then Mave who was involved with Mario? And not Rick?
Oh, God! What if it was? How will I ask Rick that question? And how will Rick react on knowing that his brother had been involved in the break in at her office?
But what on earth for did he want to destroy her reputation and cafè?
God! What a dilemma! And how to get out of it??


Rick had been extremely surprised to see his brother at Serena's cafè.
His mother had not told him of Mave's coming, and neither had he asked for his whereabouts.

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