Chapter 4

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'And what do you think you are doing here?'

Serena ignored his taunt, and glared at him.

'Is that the way you treat your customers?'
Rick Malone lifted his brows, his eyes watching her closely.

'I would have treated you differently, if you had come here as a customer..'
She shot back at him.

Rick looked away from her, and started walking.

The arrogance of this man!

Serena hurried after him, aware of several eyes following her, giving her weird looks.

'I was talking to you..'
She began, ready to go outside to send him off, but she was surprised, when he stopped at an empty table, and proceeded to take a seat.

'Well, I'm your customer now..will you treat me any differently..'
There was a twinkle in his eyes and she knew he was privately laughing at her.

'Ha, ha! Very funny!'
Serena rolled her eyes.
'You know damn well what you came here for this time, and it wasn't coffee!'

'You are smart, I'll give you that..'
He leaned back in the chair, looking totally at ease.

'Yes, I am! And I will have you know..'

'Why don't you join me for that coffee?'
Her eyebrows shot up.
'I've heard great things about it. And, we can sit and discuss this..'

'Discuss what? It's obvious you are not here for any discussion..'

'Miss Taylor..'
Rick Malone stood up, and as it had happened at his office, she took a step back.
His height made her feel small, and she looked up at him warily.
'I didn't come here to cause trouble..'

'Then why did you come here? To see which was the best way to take over my property? Asking questions, taking my customers from me..'
Serena was seething beneath the surface.

'Actually..I came to see how popular and well managed your restaurant is..'
He drawled, his eyes not leaving her face.

'I'm sorry! I'm having a hard time believing that..'
Serena didn't trust him at all.
'And I think you should go now..and take them back with you too..'
She waved her arm in the direction of the entrance, where the other two men were standing, waiting.

He moved forwards, looking down at her.
'Our next meeting will be in the presence of our lawyers..'

Her eyes flashed with indignance.
She began, but stopped as his finger suddenly swiped over her forehead.
Her realisation that some of her cookie batter had been sticking to her head all this time, was followed by an even greater shock, when he licked that finger with his tongue.

'Nice..but not sweet enough..'
Satisfied, that the innuendo was not lost on her, Rick strode away, leaving Serena bewildered and utterly speechless.


'Did you see him? He looked so different in a suit..'

'Yes, very dashing! Even better than those polo shirts he usually wears..'

'It was the first time he was here without a female companion..'

'I wonder what he and the boss were talking about..'

Serena was on the way to her office, but this conversation made her stop near the staff's restroom.
It didn't take much to guess that Rick Malone and Serena were the subjects, and the female voices were discussing Rick's presence at the cafè two days ago.

Serena had been discomfited enough, discovering that she had been walking around with cookie batter all over her face (hence peoples' weird looks), but to top that, his action of licking it off had caused her great embarrassment, as she had seen several people watching and snickering.

Serena had earned her reputation with her hard work, and she didn't like people talking about her behind her back.
So, hearing the staff discussing all of it again was exasperating to say the least.

'Are you all not getting paid enough for work?'
Serena's entry caused the waitresses to stop talking and look up in shock.

'Boss, I..uh..we..'

'Sorry, ma'am..'

'Get back to work!'
Serena waited till the three girls hurried out, before she went back to her office.

Rick Malone had caused quite a stir with his presence once again, but what puzzled Serena was, that he had behaved as if it had been his first visit.
Why does he keep doing that?

Serena hadn't a clue, but even if she wanted to find out, she was having a hard time doing it. Because, the man somehow got on her nerves, and so far any normal conversation between them had just not taken place.
And, she had no hopes of that happening, because the man was too arrogant for his own good.

Her phone rang, breaking into her thoughts.
It was Jack, her lawyer.

'Hello, Serena! I have some news.'

'Yes, Jack. What happened?'
Serena felt her pulse pick up.

'I received a call from Mr. Malone's lawyer today, asking for a meeting..'

'That man! Doesn't he have anything else to do besides pestering us!'
Serena frowned.
'Did you tell him we won't be attending?'

'No! How could I?'
Jack sighed.
'It's a call for an official meeting..'

'But why should we attend? This place is mine! I'm not going to give it to him!'
Serena tried to keep her anger in control, but was having a hard time at it.

'Relax! We aren't doing anything of the sort!'
Jack tried to calm her down.

'Then why to go?'

'To show them that we have the upper hand.'
Jack was ever the calm one.
'Just bring the papers along, in which Martha and your signatures are proof that this property is yours.'

'But, Jack..'
Serena protested.

'Serena! You have to do this! Do you want this sword hanging over your head all the time?'

Serena bit her lip.

'Then, just do it! Show him the proof, and breathe easy!'
Jack made things sound so easy, that Serena couldn't help but relent.

'Alright..if you think this is the best way..I trust you..'
Serena gave in.

'Good girl!'
Serena smiled at that. Only he could call her a girl and make it sound sweet.

'So, when do we have to go?'

'Next week..I'll let you know the time..'

They disconnected the call, and Serena sat back in her chair, closing her eyes.
Let's get this over with..once and for all..


The week whirled by with the restaurant being extremely busy during the evenings, as summer was on its' way.
The evenings were cool beside the sea, and so, many diners frequented the place, most of them wanting to be seated outside.
Serena was so busy making sure that things were running smoothly, that she didn't get the time to think about the meeting with Rick Malone until the evening before it.

When the last diners were about to leave, she remembered the papers she was supposed to keep, and so made her way to her office.
Her mind already busy with thoughts of the next day, she didn't realise that the door to her office was ajar, until she pushed the door open and stepped inside.

As soon as she switched on the light and turned around, her eyes widened in shock.
Because her office had surely and definitely been vandalised.

To be continued...

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