Chapter 13

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'Oww! What the hell did you do that for?'
Mave Malone clamped a hand over his nose, as it began to bleed.

'What the hell do you think you were doing?'
Rick was furious, and he didn't quite understand why.
But, the sight that had greeted him when he entered the office, had propelled him into action.

Serena, who had sprung up from her seat in shock, couldn't believe this side of Rick Malone. She hadn't seen him so angry, even when she had accused him for things worse.

'I didn't do anything..'
Mave kept gripping his nose, but lifted his hands up in surrender, as his brother gave him a menacing look.
'Hey, cool it bro!'

Serena jumped in, in an attempt to defuse the situation.
She pulled out several tissues from a box on her desk, and hurried towards Mave.
She handed him the tissues, and saw Mave look a bit surprised at her gesture.
She ignored the glare Rick was giving her, and helped his brother by making him sit on a sofa, and lean his head on the back of it.
'Just lean back at forty five degrees. Yes, like that! Should I ask someone to get ice?'

'No! I am fine, thanks!'
Mave did as he was told, his eyes fixed on Serena, as she leaned over to fix a cushion for him.

'He said he's fine! You don't need to fuss!'
Rick strode forward and stood so, that Serena had to shift away from Mave.
'And if you are not, my driver is here. He can take you to the nearest ER.'
Serena glowered at Rick, who gave her a very nonchalant expression.

'I don't think that's necessary. I'm fine!'
Mave sat up straight, catching the looks that passed between Serena and Rick.
He stood up, drawing attention from the both of them.

'Are you sure you are okay?'
Serena asked Mave, receiving another scowl from Rick.

'Yeah, yeah!'
Mave moved to get more tissues from the desk.
'I need to go now..'
He walked to the door, then turned back to look at Serena.
'I'll see you soon!'
With a wave of his two fingers, he left.

Serena turned to deal with Rick, but he was already striding towards her.
Before Serena could do anything, he caught her by the shoulders, and fumed down at her.
'What did he mean by that? Are you seeing my brother? How long has this been going on?'
His grip on her shoulders tightened slightly with his questions.

'What? What do you mean?'
Serena tried to pull out of his grasp, her concentration now on his strong hands, which were causing tingling sensations along her arms.
She looked up at him when he didn't let go, and saw an unreadable expression on his face.
'Let go!'
She pushed at his chest now.
'And stop interrogating me!'

'Fine, I'll stop! But answer me first!'
Rick's voice was calm, but the tone had anger in it.

'You tell me first! Why did you never tell me you had a brother? And that too, a twin?'
Serena gave him a furious look instead of replying to his query, which agitated him further.

'The topic didn't come up. It wasn't intentional!'
Rick shot back at her.

'Well then, my meeting him wasn't intentional either!'
Serena managed to get out of his hold, and began to move away.

'He was kissing you!'
Rick accused her, grabbing hold of her wrist as she tried to walk away.

'Excuse me?'
Serena looked at him, appalled.

'No, I won't!'
Rick caught her against himself.
'How can you kiss the both of us?'

Serena looked aghast.
'You are disgusting! What are you accusing me of?'

'Kissing my brother behind my back!'
Rick's voice had risen now.

'Oh, my God! You are mad!'
Serena looked at him as if he had lost it.

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