Chapter 20

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'How about you say it to me, brother? I'm more than willing to listen..'

Serena looked up to see Rick leaning against the wall, hands in his pant pockets. Dressed in a black suit similar to his brother's, he looked amazing. But right now, he seemed totally unaware of that, as he gave his brother a sardonic look.

Serena got an excuse to step away from Mave, who looked unfazed by his brother's presence.

' wouldn't be as interesting to say it to you..'
Mave's gaze continued to linger on Serena.

'Miss Taylor, your workers are waiting for your orders.'
Rick spoke to Serena, although his eyes were still on his brother.
'Please, have the appetisers ready in half an hour. Guests have started to arrive..'
This time he looked at her, and Serena nodded.

'I'll make sure of it..'
She went out the door, but not before she heard Mave curse loudly.

'What the hell is your problem..'

Serena didn't stop to hear the rest, hurrying over to the annexe in her heels.
She felt grateful for Rick's timely intervention, but was forced to ponder why.
She didn't like Rick's attentions either, but always ended up enjoying his touch, his kisses.
Yes, I'm attracted to him, but nothing will ever come out of that. Nothing can! I have to stay away..but how...

Serena jerked her thoughts away, focusing on the task at get this party done and over with..with her sanity and reputation intact...


Anna Malone was definitely the star of the show.
She looked radiant, dressed in an offwhite gown, her hair swept up in a knot on her head. The pearls adorning her neck and ears looked more elegant than any diamonds would have done.
And, she looked happy as she moved amongst the guests on her husband's arm, her sons nearby.

Serena tried staying away from the main house, telling herself that it was because she didn't want Mario or anyone else doing any mishap, but in fact, it was because she didn't want to be near Rick or his brother.
The scene before she had left the main house had indicated an argument between the Malone twins, and Serena wanted no part of it.
So, after going once to check on things, she hadn't gone again.
She was here to do a job, not get involved in their family politics. Besides, her restaurant and reputation were at stake, and that was her biggest worry.

The voice of Linda, one of her waitresses, startled her out of her reverie.

'Yes? Is everything alright at the main house? The food okay? Nothing gone short, has it?'
Serena looked at the waitress with concern.

'No, no! Nothing of that sort!'
Linda waved her hands in denial.
'Everything's going great! Everyone's enjoying themselves. And the food..'
She paused for effect.
'People are asking for seconds! The appetisers went out like this!'
She snapped her fingers.

'Thank God!'
Serena sighed in relief.
'Then why did you come here so hurriedly?'
She frowned.

'Several ladies were asking for recipes! I told them the recipes are mostly yours, and they want to meet you!'

Serena smiled, grateful at hearing this.
'That's something, I guess..'

'Yes! So, Mrs. Malone sent me to get you!'

Anna Malone wanted her to meet her guests? Even after all she had learnt yesterday?
'Uh..yeah, sure! Let me just check with those working..'
She walked to the kitchen, giving out instructions, before she left with Linda.

The dinner tables were full, and the buffet tables still had lingering guests getting more helpings.
Serena sent a prayer heavenwards, as she followed Linda to where Rick's parents were moving amongst the guests' tables.

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