Chapter 3

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'Please! Relax, you two!'

Jack's voice cut through the tense atmosphere like a knife, startling Serena and Rick both.

'We can sit down and discuss this like adults..'
His tone suggested that they both had been behaving like any thing but, and they both stepped back, putting their hands back by their sides.

Serena looked a bit sheepish, but Rick just ignored her and moved back to his chair  behind the desk.
His PA came in at that moment with an office boy bearing a coffee laden tray, and after placing the coffees on the desk, they both left quietly.

'Let's come back to the point! Miss Taylor does not want to sell her restaurant, Mr. Malone.'
Jack continued, after Serena had seated herself next to him.

'But that property does not belong to Miss Taylor. In fact it is mine by right..'
Serena gasped.
'But, I wanted to be fair, and so offered to buy it from the alleged owner..'
Rick's voice was calm, as if he was talking about the local weather.

'Yours by right? Alleged owner?'
Serena couldn't stop herself from raising her voice again.
'That property belonged to my grandmother, and she passed it on to me..'

'No! It actually belonged to my grandfather..'

Serena sat up straighter.

'Yes! Hugh Haynes, my grandfather!'

Serena looked at him, stunned.
Hugh Haynes was indeed the name of her grandmother's husband. It had been a second marriage for the both of them. He had married Nanna, after her real grandfather had passed away. And she very well remembered Nanna telling her, about Hugh having two children from his previous marriage.

'It seems you know something about this, Miss Taylor..'
Rick had been watching her closely and had seen the realisation dawn in her eyes.

'I..yes! Nanna told me once that Hugh had another family..but I didn't know..'
Serena was dumbfounded.

'Good! Then you don't need to be given a further explanation..I will just..'

Serena stopped him sharply.
'Even if what you are telling me is the truth..'
He raised his eyebrows at that.
'Do you have any proof of that property being your grandfather's?'
Serena narrowed her eyes.

'Excuse me! We just established the fact that Hugh Haynes was your grandmother's husband..'

'Which doesn't confirm if the place belonged to him!'
Serena lifted her shoulders.
'How can you tell if that place actually belonged to Nanna and it was your grandfather who was living with her..'

'Are you saying you have evidence stating that fact?'
Rick looked at her enquiringly.

'Well..maybe I do..'


Jack could sense another face off brewing, and quickly cut in.
'So, let's not speak hypothetically...'
Both pair of eyes turned to look at him.
'I handled Martha's legal matters, and she left that property in her granddaughter's name, that is Serena Taylor..'

'Can I see those papers?'
Rick Malone wasn't satisfied by any claims.
'In the presence of my lawyer..'



Serena and Jack spoke together, then both stopped, as Rick gave them a look.

'I don't believe that exercise is necessary..'
Serena stood up and turned to her lawyer.
'We don't have to prove anything to this man, Jack.'
She turned back to Rick, the fire back in her gaze.
'Because, that cafè is mine, and I wouldn't sell it to you, or anyone else!'

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