Chapter 25

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In what seemed like a film, Serena felt her whole life flash in front of her, as the driver of the car swerved it, pushing on the brakes.
They squealed loud in the morning hours, accompanied by a loud scream.

Serena thought it was hers, but as she fell on the sidewalk while avoiding the vehicle, she realised that it had been Rick's!
Twisting her head to look, she was shocked to see Rick lying on the road, and he seemed to be still.
Serena got up, ignoring her scratches and abrasions, as she hurried towards Rick.
Before she could reach him, however, several people who had witnessed the scene,  began to gather around his form.

'Please, make way! Rick!'
Serena pushed through the people to reach him.
Her heart lurched to her throat when she saw Rick unconscious, blood oozing from his forehead.
She dropped to the ground next to him, shocked at the turn of events.
'Rick! Oh, God!'
She moved to lift his head.

'No, no! You shouldn't do that!
Someone stopped her.
'He might have had a haemorrhage..or, a fracture!'

Serena looked up at the man, horrified.
'How terrible of you! He needs help! And nobody is asking you to stay!'
She turned back to Rick, her heart in her throat, ignoring the man's grumbling.
'Rick! Rick! God, please wake up!'
Serena lifted his head onto her lap.

'Mr. Malone! Oh, God!'
A security guard moved through the crowd to kneel down next to Serena.

'You know Rick?'
Serena asked him, noticing the genuine concern on the man's face.

'Yes! He's my boss! I had just come on duty when I saw this happen! I called the ambulance..'

Serena looked at him gratefully.
She began, just as the siren of one pierced the air.

The ambulance arrived, the paramedics hurrying over with a stretcher, dispelling the crowd.
Serena reluctantly let go of Rick's head, as the men lifted him off of her, and onto the stretcher.
Uncaring of the blood now staining her peach skirt, Serena also got up after them. She watched as they transferred Rick's lifeless body into the waiting vehicle.

'Ma'am! Will you be coming with us?'
The paramedic asked her, and Serena realised that there was nothing more important right now than doing just that.
She nodded, and hurried inside the ambulance.

The way to the hospital was a tense drive, with Serena unable to imagine any other possibility other than for Rick to be alright.
She saw the oxygen mask over his face and all she could think of was, that she would do anything to hear him talk to her. She held onto his hand, urging him to wake up.

Arriving at the hospital, Rick was wheeled directly through to the emergency room, while Serena followed. But once there, she was asked to wait outside, and she had no choice but to do so.
Serena didn't know what to think or feel.
Just a few days earlier, she had slept with the man and  berated herself for doing so, and now all she could pray for was him to be alright.
And the thought of being the reason for his presence here, was just not one she wanted to dwell on..

'Ma'am! Are you with Mr. Malone?'
A male nurse came to ask when he saw her pacing the floor, and Serena quickly nodded.

'How is he? He's alright, isn't he?'
Serena prepared herself for the answer, but the nurse wasn't forthcoming.

'The doctor will speak to you. Please, come this way..'

Serena hurried behind him, her heart pounding in her chest, her ears ringing with the noise.
Please be okay!
Serena stopped when the nurse did outside a curtained bed, and waited for the doctor to come out.

'Hello, I'm Dr. Walters! You are with Mr. Malone?'
A young doctor walked towards her, and Serena nodded.

' is he? And, how do you know his name? I didn't..'
Serena shrugged.

'Who doesn't know Rick Malone? I think most of Florida does..'
He have her a smile, which went unnoticed by Serena, as she waited to hear the news.

'How is he? There was blood..'
Her voice trailed off, worry making it shaky.

'Yes, thank God, there seems to be no serious issue..'

'Not serious? The man was unconscious..'
Serena looked at him incredulously.

'Well, that he still is..'
Dr. Walters heard Serena gasp.
'But..yes, but..'
He quickly continued.
'There seems to be no internal injuries..'

'How do you know that? You should check him thoroughly! He was bleeding at the head..there was blood..'
Serena's voice began to increase in pitch, hinting at her panic.

'There was, but we have cleaned him up. And, as I was just about to tell you, there seems to be no internal bleed..according to the CT scan we just conducted..'

Serena released the breath she had been holding.

'Yes! He's still unconscious though, and that's probably due to the trauma of that car hitting him..'

'Can I see him?'

'Sure, in a while. An officer is waiting to talk to me, along with the driver of the car..'

Serena had totally forgotten about the protocols required in an accident case, so concerned had she been about getting Rick to the hospital.
'I hope they send him to jail.'
She said angrily.
'If anything had happened to Rick..'
Her voice trailed off, when she saw the doctor's amused expression.

'I'm sure the police will handle things appropriately. I will just be back, then I'll take you to see Mr. Malone.'
With that, the doctor left, leaving Serena standing there, fidgeting.

But, true to his word, he came back and led her to the room where Rick had been shifted.
Serena noticed that it was a VIP room, and why not? The man could very well afford it.
It was a grand room with all the amenities that would put a five star hotel room to shame. Only the bed in the centre indicated it being in a hospital.
Serena knew his condition, but she was startled nevertheless.

Monitors beeped over his head, but she ignored them and went to stand beside his bed.
Rick looked pale under all the stress he had been through, and Serena felt guilty.
She lifted his hand in hers.

'I'm sorry, Rick. You are here because of me.'
Serena spoke quietly.
'It was all my fault! I was running away..running away from you..from feelings.. these feelings that I have been..'
She stopped, stunned at her own words.
What had she been going to say? That she had feelings for him?
God! What the..
She didn't realise that she had been squeezing his hand, until she felt it jerk.
'Oh, God! Rick!'
Serena looked at his hand in surprise, as it moved again.

'What feelings are those?'

To be continued...

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