Chapter 2

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Serena stared in shock at the man before her.
It was him! The man from her restaurant..that man whom she had secretly watched while working...that man who had flirted with his eyes, who she had caught watching her too, several times...

'You? You want to buy my restaurant?'
Serena was astonished, her eyes wide.

'Mr. Malone! I'm so sorry! I tried to stop her, but she just wouldn't listen!'
His PA came rushing into the room after Serena and Jack.

'I don't think you could have stopped her!'
The man's deep voice stated, tone sarcastic, before he turned to the woman.
'Buy your restaurant? But who are you?'
A frown marred his forehead.

'Excuse me?'
Serena looked at him as if he had lost his senses.
'You don't know who I am?'

The man shrugged and turned to the other two occupants of the room.
'Gentleman, we will carry on this meeting some other time. If you could please..'
He waved them out, and the men went, mumbling something.

Serena waited till the men had left before she spoke up  again.
'Why do you want to buy my restaurant?'

Rick Malone turned back to the woman who had forced her way into his office, and finally focused on her.
She was a stunner for sure, a petite brunette, slightly short in height, with deep brown eyes set in an oval face, eyes which were flaring with anger right now.
He couldn't help but notice her high breasts, slim waist and tanned legs which peeked out from beneath the sundress she wore. As his eyes moved back to her face, he saw her raise an eyebrow, well aware of his scrutiny.

'I don't understand whatever you are talking about..'
He said casually now, moving back to seat himself behind his desk, looking much in control, and not at all as if he had just been staring at her assets.
'And why you had to barge in here just to waste my time..'

'I'm sorry if you think that something as important as threatening to buy one's property is a waste of time..'
Serena shot back at him, her cheeks flushed.
'But I'll have you know, Mr. Malone, that I will never sell my café you or anyone!'
Her voice rose with his bemused expressions.

'Well, I hope you don't mind me asking, Miss..'
He looked at her enquiringly, apparently enjoying her ire.

Serena asked sharply, totally put off by his aloof manner.

'I asked you your name..Miss..'
He paused again, looking at her questioningly.

'As if you don't know by now..or do you offer to buy so many peoples' property that you can't keep count?'

Rick opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say a word, the man who had arrived with this woman, came forward.

'Hello, sir!' He came forward to shake Rick's hand.
'Jack Todd, Miss Taylor's lawyer.

Rick shook the man's extended hand.
'Rick Malone! The lady seems too upset to tell me what exactly is the matter..'
He saw her gasp out loud at that, but ignored her and  continued to talk to the man.
'Perhaps you can tell me what all this fuss is about!'

Serena began but Jack gave her a look, and she stopped.

'Actually..may I?'
Jack indicated the chair in front of the desk, and sat down as soon as Rick nodded.
'I'm here on behalf of my client, Serena Taylor, who runs the Cup of Sea Cafè at Miami Beach..she received a letter from your office offering to buy out her restaurant..'
He handed over the letter which Serena had received in the mail, and Rick scanned it quickly, a frown replacing his bemusement.

'Ohh..I see..'
He put the letter on his desk, one hand fisting beneath his chin.

'Yes! Now do you see? And don't tell me again that you didn't recognise who I was, because you have frequented my café often enough..'

'I believe you would profit greatly from such a deal, Miss Taylor!'
He saw her flush again, ready to explode.
'But, why don't you take a seat? Alice, can we get some coffee in here?'
He turned to his PA, who had been hovering by, watching the entire scene.

'Yes, sir! I'll get some right away..'
She quickly moved out of the room, satisfied that the situation was now under control.

'I don't want to sit, neither do I want any coffee!'
Serena crossed her arms over her breasts, and saw Rick's eyes shift at the movement. On the verge of moving her arms back, she  stopped herself at the look in his eyes.
She was already irked that the man had not acknowledged being at her restaurant or recognising her. And now he was being lascivious too.
'I want to know why you want to buy my café! Obviously, you are a big man..'
She gestured at his huge office and the grandeur.
'What do you want with a small restaurant like mine?'

'Well, Miss Taylor, not all deals are done for profit..there may be other reasons..'
He drawled, watching her expressions carefully.

'Oh, yeah? Men like you don't even have any other reasons besides earning more money..'

'Excuse me? Men like me?'
Rick's eyes narrowed at that, but Serena ignored it.

'Yes! Men like you! Rich, debonair, who are used to getting what they want, who know very well how to charm others into..'

'Hold it, woman!'
Rick stood up and came around to where she was standing, stopping merely a few centimetres away.

Serena let loose her arms and stepped back at his sudden action.
Up close, he was even more gorgeous than she had remembered. But the sudden flare in his eyes flustered her.

'What do you even know about me, to judge? This is the first time we have met, and you already have a preformed opinion..'

Serena swallowed, before raising her head in defiance. The man was so much taller than her, that she actually had no choice.
'I know your kind! That's enough to form an opinion!'
He almost growled at that.
'And this is not even the point here! I came here to tell you that my restaurant is NOT for sale, and will NEVER be! And so, you can take your offer and..'
She pointed a finger at him.

'After this, I'm more than SURE, that I made the right decision! I'm going to buy this property now, whether you like it or not!'
Serena gasped out loud now, eyes narrowed, but before she could say anything, he also pointed his finger at her in the same manner as hers.
'You just wait and watch!'

To be continued...

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