Chapter 19

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Serena was poleaxed.

Eyes wide, heart racing, all she could think of was how to free her self from the steely grip.
Struggling, she kicked with her legs backwards, and felt a sense of satisfaction when she heard her abductor groan as her shoe connected with his groin.

'What are you trying to do? Maim me for life?'
Rick's voice close to her ear stunned her into going still, before she kicked him again.
But this time he was ready, and avoided her shoe.
'I'll let you go if you promise not to scream!'

What the hell?
Serena tried it against his hand, but it just came out as a 'mmhhmm'.

'Nod if you agree! Or we can stay like this all day!'
And he pulled her back against his front in such a way that she couldn't help but become aware of him hardening beneath her hips.
Her eyes widened, and she quickly nodded.
'Good girl!'
Rick removed his hands from her neck and mouth, and Serena swivelled around to face him.

'What the..'
She began loudly, but when he came towards her again with a look in his eyes, she lowered her voice.
'What in the world do you think you were doing?'
Serena put her hands on her hips and glared at him.
'What are you? Tom Cruise or something?'

Rick gave her a look of amusement.
'Actually, I have been named after one of his characters..'
When Serena raised an eyebrow at him, he became serious again.
'Never mind! I could see what you were about to do, and I had to stop you! This was the only thing that came to mind, so..sorry!'

'What do you mean you knew what I was going to do?'
Serena looked at him in puzzlement.

'You were going to accost Mave and that chef, and I couldn't let you!'

'Couldn't let me..what in the world are you talking about?'
Serena narrowed her eyes at him.

'I didn't want you to spoil their planning before I discovered what was going on! But, I'm sorry you had to hear the tail end of their conversation.'

Rick was sorry?
Serena looked at him incredulously.

'I didn't want you to know before I could know..and I'm really disappointed in my brother..'

Rick continued, but Serena could only stare at him.
Oh God! Rick thought he had been protecting her from Mave and Mario's intentions! Ofcourse, he didn't know that they were the reason she had accepted this job in the first place!
'How..what..what do you know?'

'They want to ruin the party, so you and your restaurant's reputation is ruined! I can't believe my own brother could stoop so low!'
Rick frowned.
'And now I can see that last night was the beginning of his attempts to do that!'
Rick still mistook Serena's expression as shock at discovering all this.
'What I don't understand is why? What does he have against you..ohh!'
Rick stopped, as a thought entered his head.

Serena asked.
'What are you thinking?'

'That day in your office! I hit him for trying to hit on you!'
Rick ran a hand through his hair.
'He knows I'm interested in you!'

Serena looked at him in disbelief.

Rick looked at her.
'Yes! He was miffed! Because he had thought you wouldn't deny his charms! And you, you just ignored him! That must have irked him like anything!'

Serena didn't know how to react. Rick was questioning and answering all on his own. He could be right, but Serena knew there was something beyond this logic. Mave had been scheming with Mario way before that.
'Are you serious?'

Rick looked it very much.
'My brother has always wanted what I did in our childhood. My mother would buy two of everything, but he would want the one I got, although I never understood his logic. And now, he wants you..'
Rick took hold of her shoulders.
'But, this time..he has to control his wants. Because, I'm not going to let him..'

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