Chapter 21

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Serena sighed in relief, as she put her feet up on the ottoman in front of her couch in her living room.
Her restaurant had continued its' function just fine even in her absence.

It had been two days since her return and business was good. Even her staff and workers were back from Washington, and had been raving about the rewards they had gotten from the Malones, especially Rick. But Serena had not heard a word from him.
Not that she had expected any concern, but still...

Serena knew she had risked her job as the caterer of the event, but she had been too irked to stay back and hear more.
In a sudden decision, she had booked the next flight out, and had called a cab, all while the party was still in swing.
But not before she had informed her head chef, who had promised to take care of things, when Serena had cited an emergency at the restaurant.

Serena had never left in the middle of a job, and hence, had been dreading Rick's anger. But, only after her own had died down when she reached Miami.
So, as a way to compensate, she had messaged Rick with the same excuse that she had given her chef.
But, she had not received any reply, and that made her feel a bit guilty at her own actions.

Serena shut down the laptop next to her on the couch, and rubbed the heel of her hands over her eyebrows.
She would deal with him when the time came. Right now, it was better to get some sleep. Already, she had been having nightmares about not getting paid for the catering job.

Serena got up and stretched before moving towards her bedroom.
That's when the sound of her doorbell stopped her.
Surprised, Serena glanced at the time. It was past the cafés closing time, and everyone had gone home.
Maybe someone forgot something..
Serena picked up the intercom.

'Yes? Who is it?'

'It's me! Open up!'
Rick's voice, so close to her ear, sent alarm bells ringing, stunning her.
She drew back the curtains to see Rick's car parked outside, and bit her lip.

'Wha..what are you doing here?'

'Let me in!'
His voice was commanding, and Serena automatically pressed the buzzer to do as he asked.
It took him less than a minute to climb the stairs, and was knocking on her door before she could compose herself.

Serena opened the door and immediately stepped back as Rick's dominating presence filled her personal space.
A Rick dressed in a white t-shirt and jeans, looking oh so sexy.
'What are you doing here? It's late..'
Serena looked up at him.

'Yes, very late!'
He was annoyed, but as soon his gaze took in her appearance, he paused on the threshold.
Serena was dressed in a large t-shirt announcing, "I may be small, but I'm the BOSS". The neckline was drooping down one shoulder, leaving it bare, except for a thin strap of what was probably a tank top below. And her legs..they were totally bare.
Did she have on anything underneath that?

'What's so important that you had to come this time?'
Serena felt a strong urge to lower her shirt down her thighs, but she didn't want him to know that a mere look had unnerved her. So, she craned her neck to glare at him.

'It's already too late! I should have come when you snuck out of my house like a criminal!'
Rick moved his attention back to her face, avoiding looking down.

'Criminal? I did no such thing!'
Serena was immediately on the defensive.
'There was an emergency..'

'Yeah! One that your staff couldn't handle with you miles away..'
His tone was sarcastic.

Serena hmphed.
'Yes! I had to..'

'Oh, come on! Give that excuse to those who will believe it! I certainly am not on that list!'
Rick rolled his eyes.

'You can go on thinking what you want! I'm not interested!'
Serena threw her hands up in the air.
'And now, if you have a reason for coming here, say it, or you can go back the way you came..'
She pointed towards the door.

Rick's eyes flared at that, and he came towards her, his stance menacing, so that Serena backed away.
'You think you are so smart, don't you!'
Rick narrowed his eyes, and stepped forward.
'Just use that defensive tone and get away with anything!'

Serena frowned, instinctively stepping back further.
'I do no such thing! I..'

'See? Just like that!'
Rick raised his eyebrows at her protest, continuing to move towards her.
'You can't always hide behind that facade..'

'Faca..what does that even mean?'
Her voice rose, and she saw him give her a knowing look.
'I don't care what you think or do..I..'
She stopped as she felt the wall of her living room behind her back.
She raised a hand as Rick moved closer.

'You have backed yourself against the wall, Miss Taylor! Literally and figuratively!'
Rick's tone suddenly changed as did his expression, and before Serena could move sideways, he planted his left hand on the wall behind her.

Serena gasped, and hurried to move to the other side. But Rick was faster, and his other hand came on the right side, trapping her. She fisted both her hands by her sides.
'Move aside!'
She felt a strange sensation in the pit of her stomach at his closeness. Rick didn't move and neither did he touch her in any way. Yet, Serena felt as if she was standing next to a flame. There was a heat emitting from him that she couldn't deny.
This is what I actually ran away from..this dangerous man..

'Do you know how it felt when I found out you had left?'
Rick's voice sounded hoarse, as if he was in some pain.
Serena looked up at him, unable to reply as she saw the glaze in his eyes.
'I have no clue why, but it made me feel bereft..all I wanted to do was get on the next plane and get to you..'

'It certainly took you long enough to get here..'
Serena cursed herself as Rick looked at her in surprise.
What did I say that for?
'I mean..I don't..'
She fumbled.

'You waited for me?'
Rick moved closer now, but stopped mere inches from touching her.
'Is that what you wanted? For me to come after you?'

'No ways! I told you I had to..' Serena quickly looked away from his gaze, but he caught her chin, so that she had no choice but to look up at him.

'Who are you lying to? Me, or to yourself?'
He slid his thumb along her mandible, and saw her lips quiver in response.
'I couldn't come because I had to handle things there. But I'm here now..'
His voice lowered even more, as his thumb brushed over her lips, and he heard her gasp.

'Well, maybe you shouldn't have!'
Serena lifted her hands, and pushed at his shoulders, trying to restore some sort of control to the situation, and more to stay away from his touch.
But her actions only served to goad him further, and he caught her fists in his hands.
'What..stop it! Let go!'
Serena tried to free her hands, but Rick's grip was strong, and she couldn't.

'Why? When I have you right where I want you?'
His husky tone was almost her undoing, and she couldn't stop him when he lifted her arms against the wall behind her, his hold on them firm.

Rick noted the effect that had, when he saw a trapped looking coming into her eyes.
'You wanted this! Just like I have wanted it since the day we met!'
Serena gave him a startled look at that, unable to say a word.
'Yes! This..this undercurrent that's been running between us every time we met. The fire that has raged every time we have kissed..the desire to be naked with each other..'
He heard her make a choking sound at that, and his eyes darkened with desire.
'Admit it!'
His tone lowered.
'You want me as much as I want you..admit it, that this is why you ran away from my home..admit it..'

'Yes! Yes! Yes!'

To be continued..

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