Chapter 7

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It was hard to say who was more surprised.

Because, as soon as their lips touched, there was fire.

Rick, who had just wanted to shut her up, was stunned at the feel of her lips.
As soft as rose petals, they burned his lips, making him want to taste more..

Serena was more shocked at the sudden current that ran through her entire being, than the act itself.
Disturbed by the sudden sensations that arose in her, she opened her eyes, which she hadn't realised she had closed as soon as his lips had touched hers, and pushed at Rick with all her might.

Rick protested with a mumbling sound, but had to detach his lips from hers.
He looked at Serena, still a bit dazed, but she had apparently composed herself.

'What do you think you are doing?'
Serena gave him a glare, and his eyebrows went up.

'I think it was obvious..'
Serena opened her mouth to retort back, her face flushed from his reminder of the kiss, but he continued talking.
'That, I was trying to stop you from talking..'
Rick was back to his normal self, hands back in his pockets.

And Serena was back to her furious self, as she moved again towards him.
'I will..'

Rick stood his ground, bemused now by her fury.
'You will what? Let me kiss you properly, or you will kiss me yourself this time?'

'Shut up!'
Serena couldn't believe his brazenness and the images it suddenly created in her head.
'I will do no such thing!'

He said under his breath, and saw her narrow her eyes, indicating that she had heard him.
'Anyways, Miss Taylor..'
He said, louder this time, before moving behind his desk and seating himself.
'Let us conclude this misconception you seem to have. Because, I certainly am not responsible for the break in at your restaurant. It would be futile to slap me with a you know that you would surely lose.'
He watched her shoulders droop a little at the realisation.
'And now, if you will excuse me, I have a meeting in..'
He glanced at his watch, before looking back at her.
'Less than ten minutes, so I think you should go now.'

Serena wanted to rant more, but she knew she had been dismissed.
'Fine! But remember!'
She warned him.
'If I find out that you had anything to do with this at all..'

'You won't!'
He interrupted.

Giving him a look, which showed her irritation, Serena turned around and left, in much the same way as she had arrived, in anger.

Rick looked at the door she had exited from, and leaned back in his chair.
There was more to Serena Taylor than he had thought.
Where earlier he had thought of her as a nuisance, he had been surprised to see a flash of vulnerability in her today.
Which meant, that there was something about her that she hid from the world.
And those lips..God!
Just a touch and a fire had been lit.
He wished he had gotten to taste more, but shock had ended the kiss too soon.
Well, Rick liked discovering new places, new things..and Serena Taylor had just entered that list...


Rick Malone was a weird man.

Serena checked on the lunch orders, before going out to meet her customers.
It had been a week since she had stormed into Rick's office to blame him for the break in, but she hadn't been able to get him out of her mind.

He's obstinate, pig-headed, and I can't stand men like him..then why can't I forget that brief kiss?

'So yummy!'

Serena started at that, before she realised that a female customer was complimenting the food she was eating.
'Oh, thankyou! I'm glad you like it!'
Chatting for a few more minutes, Serena moved away, greeting more customers.

She had almost reached the kitchen again, when her cellphone rang.
The number was unknown, but she received it, only to discover it was the police officer, who had been head of the investigation at her office.

'Miss Taylor! We have tested all the samples and fingerprints, and found no new ones.'

Serena frowned.

'Means, that most fingerprints belonged to you. And since you told us no one uses the office except you, that was a given. Which also means, that the intruder was smart enough to wear gloves, so we have no evidence.'

'Oh! I see..'
Serena was severely disappointed, seeing her last hope collapse.
'So, it could have been anyone..'

'Exactly! By the way, I did speak to Mr. Malone, too..'

Serena raised her eyebrows at that.
'Really? I'm surprised! You were very determined that he could have had nothing to do with it..'

'Yes! And I would still say the same. But, we had to close the case, and needed his statement as well.'

Serena hadn't miraculously expected Rick Malone to accede to the crime, but she knew when she had lost a fight.
'Thankyou for your help, officer!'

Serena finished the call and continued her rounds, wondering, if not Rick, then who had wanted something from her office.
Or maybe it was just some petty thief, who wanted money, and not finding any, had left, uncaring of the mess he had made behind.
Getting busy, Serena put the thought to the back of her mind.


'Darling, when will you come home?'
Anna Malone asked her son, sounding upset.

'What's wrong, Mom? Everything okay?'
Rick, who had been in the process of getting ready for a dinner date, stopped in the act of buttoning his cuff.

'Yes, yes! Everything's fine! It's just that I miss you a lot!'
His mother whined.

Rick rolled his eyes.
'God, Mom! You had me worried there for a minute!'

'It's the only way you listen to me these are always so busy..'
She continued complaining, and Rick shook his head, putting the phone on speaker, while continuing to get ready.

'You know how it is! There are several ongoing projects..'

'Yeah, yeah..where have I heard all this before?'

Rick chuckled at that. His father had also always been a workaholic, and his mother had had quite a bit of practice.
'Alright, sorry! I'll come to visit very soon..'

'It's not like you can't afford a ticket or anything to Washington. You own your own jet..'
He could picture his mother rolling her eyes.

'You are right, Mom! And I will be coming..someone's getting a year younger and her birthday is right around the corner..'
He teased, causing his mother to laugh finally.
Smiling, he quickly ended the call, since he was running a bit late.

Hurrying out of his bungalow in SoBe, he gestured to the driver, who quickly opened the door of his car, to seat him.
Once on the way, his thoughts returned to his mother and her birthday. Which reminded him of the gift he had planned, and that in turn reminded him of Serena Taylor.
Maybe I should ask her out for dinner? Would she be more amenable then? No! Bad idea! She runs a restaurant herself. What would change with a good meal?
Rick shook away the thought as it formed.
Then how to get through to her, so that she gives me the property?
Rick sighed.
I'll have to come up with something...


Serena couldn't believe two weeks had passed, with no word from Rick Malone.

May be he has changed his mind..
Yeah, right! And maybe the world is about to end..

Serena mentally rolled her eyes.
The determination with which he had been after her to sell the restaurant, it was impossible that he would just forget about it.

Her mind on Rick Malone's cunning ways, Serena didn't realise she had entered her private kitchen, where she tried and tested new recipes.
But, just as she was about to switch on the overhead lights, her hand froze mid-air.

'I told you, I did a thorough search of her private office, and her private kitchen and didn't find what you were looking for...'

To be continued..

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