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Vinnie's voice echoed through the chaos. George tore his gaze away from Draco, finally noticing the state his sister was in. She stood before him, her body covered in dried blood stains, wearing nothing but a makeshift bandage. Concern etched across his face, he began to ask what had happened to her, but Vinnie's command cut him off.

"Who is Ginny with?" She queried demandingly. Looking into oblivion but her mind focused on one thing.

George's eyes darted over his sister's wounded body, taking in the blood stains that marred her skin. Vinnie's eyes went to George. Her stares piercing him that if it can move, it'll wound him. He tried to form a response, but Draco took a step closer, and Vinnie's wand swiftly aimed at him, her eyes never leaving George. He found it unusual for his sister to act like this, but then again, she's been through so much that even a full grown adult may not take in.

"Who is Ginny with?" she repeated, her voice filled with urgency and a hint of dictation.

George raised his arms in surrender and shock and said we. "Mum, Dad, Professor Lupin, and Nova—"

Vinnie's heart skipped a beat as she heard Nova's name. Nova, the very person who had taken Fred's life, the twin brother of George. Hearing and seeing how George talked, she gathered that he doesn't know yet what happened. Without hesitation, Vinnie raced to where she had last seen her mother.

"Vinnie! Where are you bloody going—"

Vinnie stopped and spun to extend her arms to stop George as well. Draco was no longer where he was once. So is Abernathy's body.

"You are going to stay here," she said. Almost tearing up. She already lost one, she can't loose another.

"Are you mental? There's a war going and you just expect me let you you go alone?!" George shouted, gently but swiftly smashing Vinnie extended arms down to revert from authority.

"I'm sorry," Vinnie exclaimed. Tears finally flows. She lift her wand so fast that George couldn't protect himself. "Obliviate."

George eyes rolled up for a few seconds and she took it as an opportunity go on with her endeavour. She ran until she was close enough to shout nova's name. Nova stood up, soaked with sweat. her eyes locked onto Nova, who sat near Ginny in the corner. In an instant, Vinnie apparated, not realizing she possessed the ability.

"Vinnie! Thank God you're sa—" Ginny's voice of concern was cut off when Vinnie's wand aimed at nova.

She materialized before Nova, her wand pointed directly at her. Nova mirrored the action, their eyes locked in a battle of wills. Ginny stood beside them, shocked and confused, her voice silenced before she could utter a word. Suddenly, the bodies of Nova and Vinnie began to warp, their forms distorting until they vanished completely.

Vinnie found herself standing with Nova at the train station. The same train station Vinnie saw in the vision from where she casted a ring of blue flame. Nova's hair disheveled, her face smeared with dirt, mud, and blood. Her voice broke the silence.

"Vinnie, listen, I didn't—"

"I don't care," Vinnie interrupted, her tone cold and devoid of emotion. "I'm not Vinnie."

Confusion filled Nova's eyes as she struggled to comprehend the situation. "What?"

"I'm using her body as an instrument to fulfill my task," Vinnie declared, her voice laced with determination. "My name is Avery. Avery Cornfled."

Nova's surprise was evident. "Avery Cornfled. The seer? I thought you were dead. I saw you die. You were in the Daily papers in Beauxbattons."

"I was quite famous, wasn't I. And a great actress too, may I add" Avery said, walking slowly with her hand fidgeting her wand behind her. "Hogwarts was less secured than Beauxbattons, yes? I got in in one swift blow." She laughed. It hurt nova's ears. A wicked smile played on Avery's lips as she toyed with her wand. "Your friend is naive, isn't she? Gullible, an easy target, and a blood of the Grindelwalds. What are the odds?"

"Let her go," Nova pleaded, her voice filled with desperation.

"Do you really think she'll thank you, even after you killed her brother?" Avery's words cut through the air like a knife.

Tears welled in Nova's eyes as she shook her head. "It wasn't my intention! He was used as a shield! I didn't know it would hit him!"

"You know, I couldn't care less, but you know those vision Vinnie was getting? Well, of course you don't. Why would she tell you? She wanted you dead." She laughed. Again. "It was me. All of those signs, those signs that I manipulated her into thinking it was her future-self. Now, when I claim my own body, she will remain unbalanced. The evil I will leave her with slowly eat her up until she can't distinguish between right and wrong. But if you oblige, I'll leave her unharmed." She leaned to nova. Smiling menacingly. Too much that nova can't even saw Vinnie in her own body. She never imagined Vinnie looking like that. But that wasn't Vinnie.

Nova was about to reply but Avery interrupted, her voice dripping with malice. "Tell me, how far would you go for Fred to come back?"

Confusion and fear gripped Nova as she struggled to comprehend Avery's words. "What are you saying?"

"We want the same thing. You want Fred alive, and I want Prime Gellert Grindelwald back. We can both have it if you comply."

The air grew heavy with tension as Avery's words hung in the air, the fate of their intertwined destinies hanging in the balance. But nova wanted nothing but her friends safety. She spoke something she didn't mean "my loyalty remains with the dark lord. I cannot serve another—"

"Oh please, he'll die tonight. Your dark lord is dumb, really. How could it take him more than half a decade to kill a teenager. An almost blind one, may I add." Her voice was mocking.

Nova's mind raced, torn between her love for Fred and the knowledge that Avery was using Vinnie's body as a vessel for her own agenda. She knew she couldn't let Avery succeed, couldn't let her manipulate the situation to further her own sinister goals. But at the same time, the thought of bringing Fred back, of undoing the pain and loss, tugged at her heart.

Avery watched the turmoil in Nova's eyes, relishing in the power she held over her. She knew she had struck a nerve, that Nova's desperation for a second chance with Fred was a weakness she could exploit. Avery's eyes narrowed, her voice dripping with venom.

"Think about it, Nova. We have the means to make it happen. Together, we can rewrite the course of history, reshape the future. All you have to do is comply."

Nova's hands trembled, her heart torn between the desire for redemption and the fear of succumbing to darkness. Again. The weight of her decisions pressed upon her, threatening to consume her sanity.

"I won't let you use Vinnie's body," Nova finally whispered, her voice filled with determination. "I won't let you corrupt her, or anyone else."

Avery's smile twisted into a snarl as she raised her wand, her eyes blazing flames.

So uhmm.... This is the last chapter

Love you guys hehehehheh

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