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D r a c o

I sat as usual on my desk in my dorm when my owl came flying in with a letter on its beak. A particular black one with red wax sealing. I needn't to see it up close to know who it's from. I already know that it's from my father.


I'm certain you ought to know what you're task to do. I expect you to live up to it. You will be having the mark on the talked upon date after school this year. The news had come to me that you're still with that  Weasley girl. I do hope that was just but a mere rumor.


I slammed the letter on my desk and ran my hand through my hair in frustration. I know what I was task to do. That's all my parents ever talk about whenever I'm back in that house.

The proposal of me getting that mark was made when I was at 3rd year. I came home for summer break with bottles of wine flying across the room, my mother trying to stop my father and Lorenzo dropping his bag to help my mother.

I went straight up to my room and locked myself in. I've tried several times to stop my father's outburst but it always result to him using his wand to me. He'd do the same to Lorenzo, but he's a hard headed boy. I was raised not to be that.

The holidays are the same as it always was, except this time my father approached me, telling me that whatever is going on with me and the Weasley girl have better end before he'd come into action. My mother would say the same.

I'd do it, get the dark mark. But the fact that I might put Vinnie's life into risk haunts me. That night at the party was dumb. I shouldn't have invited her, I shouldn't have told her I like her. If I merely just ignored her existence and my feelings maybe her life wouldn't be put at such risk as it was today.

But her presence is to hard to ignore. Her glowing demeanor shine so bring that it can brighten up my whole room, my whole life. She's brought me too much joy though I ought to not show it, but that was the problem. She's brought me too much joy. I don't deserve it, I don't deserve her. But god, I love her.

I slid the letter back into the envelope and took a quick shower. When I finished, I put on my robe and fixed my hair.

Class went on, I couldn't focus. My whole life is about to turn upsidedown this upcoming break, how could I focus?

I headed to the library when class finished so I can do my work and lay down as soon as I possibly can.

I opened the library door and saw her. She was laying on the desk Infront of her, her curls falls lazily. I walked to her and tucked her hair on her ears, she sat up.

She needs to hate me. Not now, not yet. I'm not ready. But she needs to. So I could protect her. I'd rather have her hate me than risk her life loving me. My forehead dropped on her shoulder and she'd immediately hold my arm so I wouldn't fall off, like she did at the astronomy tower. I nuzzled my face in the corner of her shoulder and pulled her waist closer to me. She returned my gesture and rubbed my back. God, I love her.

She hummed in my ear and rocked me back and forth like I was an infant, I liked it, even when it's bloody pathetic. I let her see my vulnerable side because I felt safe with her, she's my safe place, but I wasn't hers, she's anything but safe with me.

She somehow knows exactly what I needed, her arms around me, my arms around her, just us. It's like the world has shrunk and we're the only people in it. It's gone black with her presence lighting it up, and I'll be the book she reads oh, so easily.

I didn't want it to end, no. I want her arms around me until the end of time. I want her babying me like I'm a newborn child in need to be in his mother's embrace. She'd ask if I was okay and I'd answer yes. She didn't believe it but she wasn't vocal about it. She just nodded, kissed my temple and started randomly pampering me. I've lead a life like a labyrinth, going around in circles, not knowing where to head next. But when she came in, it had changed, she'll take my hand and lead the way, and I'd follow her like she's the only ladder to reach in a tidal of waves I'm fighting.

I'd trade everything in the world if that would mean I'll be with her without her life being constantly threatened, if it would mean she'll be with me, laying on the grass at the black lake and staring at the starless night, if it would mean it'll be just us and no one else. I'd trade everything for that. I'd trade everything for her.

Vinnie Malfoy. It fits. Maybe soon, maybe not. Maybe in another universe where the world isn't that cruel, maybe in another universe we could stay together. I'd do anything to live that universe, or turn that version of our lives here. I'd do anything, even if that's means I'd run with her in the muggle world and forget the existence of the wizarding world. I'm willing to forget everything for her, I wasn't sure if she'd do the same but I know for certain that I am.


I've nothing to say actually NSKDSNXJJS other than pay attention to the title of each chapter because it's got a meaning when combined!!

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