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V i n n i e

It's been a few days since that day at the south courtyard. I never stopped thinking about it.

I sat on the library with my face glued to a book but my mind flying elsewhere. His voice repeated in my head like one of those songs you hear at the radio and somehow won't get out of your brain.

"The professor didn't ran out of veritaserum that day"

"Is it really not that obvious?"


I shook my head and tried to focus on the book I was reading. But the more I tried to the more I struggled. The letter in the book started flying and rearranging themselves. I ask myself: have I did muggle weed last night?

Eventually, I did get to get myself together. I get to focus on actually reading and understanding the book laid in front or me.

A hand patted me, I looked and see who it was. It was Ginny.

"Hi, gin" I greeted. She smiled at me

"Hello, vin" then sat down on the empty chair beside me. "Have you heard the rumors?" She ask, reaching out of a book on the shelf in front of us. Her ginger her sliding from her shoulder and reflected from the sunlight making it look fiery. I wish I had that.

"Rumors?" I queried.

"That you and Malfoy are dating" she added, looking at me.

I shook my head vigorously to deny what she said. Me and Malfoy dating? No way in hell that would happen. When and where did that even came from?

"Really? The whole school knows" Ginny added, placing the book she took the and started flipping through the pages.

Excluding the fact that I will never date Draco Malfoy. He's handsome, yes, I'll never deny that. But he's also Malfoy. I'm sure that if that even came to a possibility, my siblings would all freak, especially ron. I feel like he's the one who sent Ginny to me to ask if it was true. It's not, of course.

I shook my head once again. "That's not true"

Ginny nodded and looked at me. "Good, because Ronald almost barged in the Slytherin common room just this morning" she chuckled.

"No way he'd do that" I said, my voice skeptical. "And for me?"

Ginny nodded "you know how much he blamed himself at what happened the afternoon at 2nd year at the burrows, right? He'd sacrifice his life in exchange of yours"

"Let's not bring that up"


It was a lovely summer morning at the burrows, it was busy, Ron and Vinnie played outside, the others remained indoors.

They're playing tag. Ron was the one it.

He began running when the decision was made and yelled that Vinnie was the one it. Vinnie clenched her jaw and grit her teeth and then shouted "Ronald Billius!"

Ron laughed then continued running through the tall grass that surrounds their home. Vinnie, glowing red ran after him.

Ron thought it would be a great idea to lock his sister outdoor. It's all fun and games, of course. Vinnie and Ron laughed. But not until a black smoke appeared Infront of the girl just when she's about to reach the door of her home. The smoke became a figure that was way taller than her.

H I M ; Draco Malfoy حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن