C A R E - F R E E

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C A R E - F R E E

V i n n i e

I head my way to the common room as fast as I could, I felt a lump forming in my throat but I try to ignore it. I gently open the door of my shared room with Luna and Cho, I don't want them to notice that I feel down. Not right now.

When I opened the door I saw both of them sitting on their own bed, they seem to have been talking about something. Luna smiled at me, so did Cho. I smiled back.

I placed my stuff on my desk and head my way to the bathroom. I sat at the corner of the bathroom with my knees curled up against my chest and my cheek rested on my knees. There, I let my tears down.

I know Draco and I's relationship is wrong for so many reasons. But whenever I'm in his presence it just felt right. Whenever I'm with him I just feel complete.

I'm sure not long that the day would come that people would tell us to break up simply because of our sides. I've already lived my life trying to satisfy others and crave their validation. What's so wrong about me finally doing something that makes me happy? Am I not deserving of that joy?

I didn't know how long I stayed in that position but it felt like hours. I wiped my tears and went my way out to pick out some clothes and went back in the bathroom for a shower. Luna and Cho's eyes followed as I exit and re-enter the bathroom but they didn't say anything. I know well that they want to say something, I'm sure they've heard of the rumors. I don't want to talk about it. I just wanna lay in the tub for hours read my book and not to think of anything.

Later, when I finished bathing, I lay on bed and Luna would try to initiate a conversation but I just told them I wasn't in a mood. They both accepted it and just wished my goodnight.

I lay on my bed and pulled the sheet over my body up to my chin, I fidget the necklace Draco gave my with my hands and look beyond the window while trying to fall asleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night, I checked the time it found that it was 2am. I got up from my bed and headed my way to the Ravenclaw tower. I would go to the astronomy tower but the possibility of getting caught out at curfew would worsen things than it already is.

I hold a mug of hot cocoa that I made before going up the tower while I let the breeze hit my face.

I'm sure Ron doesn't really mean those words. It would suck if he did.

If mum and dad were to find out about me and Draco they'd probably disagree with it as well, just as everyone. I'm conflicted with my thoughts and felt so frustrated that I just cried. I placed my mug down and I curled my knees up to my chest again while sitting on the bench in the Ravenclaw tower. I bit my inner lower lip anxiously as thoughts once again raced through my head. Does Draco also receive words of disagreement from his friends when they've found out he's dating me? I wonder. If not, then how does my side any better than his? If not, then that makes my side the prejudice, not his.

Someone patted my shoulder, I looked up and saw Luna. I immediately wiped my tears and smiled at her.

"Can I sit?" Luna ask, her voice is soft.

I nodded. She sat beside me and her eyes wander around the tower innocently.

I placed my legs back down and broke the silence. "Look, I know you're also against Draco but—"

"I'm not," she said, looking at me with a reassuring smile "if he makes you feel happy then I see no reason why I'd go against it"

I stayed silent. Finally, someone who actually cares about what I think.

"Really?" I ask, she looked at me and nodded.

"I'm also with a Slytherin so I know the feeling," she placed her hand gently on my knee and rubbed it with her thumb. "You shouldn't feel guilty for loving someone."

She smiled at me once more. I smiled back.

She's right, I shouldn't feel guilty for loving someone. She's always right, Luna, for some reason, her feelings about stuff is always right.

She looked back up at the sky and got up. Her hands are reached down to me as she spoke "let's get you back to bed"

I nodded and reached her hand. She hold my hand tightly in hers, still keeping her smile.

Her presence is always bright and carefree. I don't get why people made fun of her. Not one bit.

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