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V i n n i e

I didn't want to go back to Hogwarts, not after what happened on Christmas night.

I didn't do anything else for the rest of the holidays except laying down and munching on some pumpkin pasties dad made and lemon bars mum baked. Ginny offered that she'd stay at mum and dad's room so I could have some privacy, I declined. I wanted to be alone, but not alone.

I wanted Ginny to yell me out of my senses, to hit and tell me I deserved to be hurt by what Draco did after not listening to her. She wouldn't do that, she wouldn't hit people, not me, at the very least. But I still wanted her to. So I could wake up and kick the thought of maybe Draco didn't really intended to do that. But his silhouette that night haunts me. I couldn't hear anything clearly, the ringing in my ear was worse than ever and the voice calling 'eloi' in my mind keeps going. The way his hands lift and his wand pointed at me stabs my heart. If I knew, I wouldn't have attended the Slytherin party that led us in this situation, if I knew, I would've followed my siblings advice rather than follow what my heart screams. If I knew—I thought—if only I knew.

Mum said she could talk to the professors of my state so I could skip a few months of school. I declined. I wouldn't let a boy wreck my opportunity of a good future. I wanted that, of course, a few months off only at the remains of the burrows, Ron away, and it's just me, my mum and my dad. But I declined either way. I didn't want Luna and the others to worry.

Ginny told me she had already sent a letter to my few friends; Luna, Cho, Dean, and Seamus of what happened. They all replied back, almost at the same time. It was like they're all together and had one owl deliver it.

Dear, Vinnie

I have no words enough to explain how sorry I am for what had happened to you, and I didn't want to waste those words to tell on a piece of parchment. I'd love to talk with you after the holidays if you needed to.

-Luna Lovegood ☽︎

I folded Luna's letter carefully and place it on my drawer, it was such a Luna thought—not willing to waste a word to tell on a piece of parchment.

Dear, Vinnie

I do not wish to say I told you so because I told you to follow you heart, and you did. It didn't result well, but at least now you know. I'm sure Luna would like to talk to you personally about this matter so I won't make this letter long as well. Please take care of yourself, love.


Cho's hand writing have always been neat, cursive, the spacing is precise, the exact look of a handwriting from someone of her looks. Her letter was stored on my drawer as well, along with Luna's, Dean's and Seamus's.

I haven't read Dean's and Seamus's letter, I hadn't the energy to do anything but somehow keeping it unopened in my drawer made me feel a dose of guilt, so, I took both and opened it. Dean's was first.


I apologize for the words but, I promise if(if you'd like, of course) that dumb blonde daft dimbo is about to get it as soon as I land eyes on him in return to Hogwarts. I can't swear I'd do nothing more than wand pointing, but I won't end him. I'm sure you'll do the honour.


Dean's writing was rough, it was obvious that it was written with anger and that sort because the ink splatters almost everywhere, I almost couldn't read it.

Dear, Vinnie.

I won't kill him, of course, that's illegal. But if the war harry was talking about to happen, I'd be looking for him so I'd have excuse to curse him without getting into trouble. Let's hang out when we return to school, yeah? Me, you and Dean.

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