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We went back to Hogwarts, mum and dad wanted to send us personally so they'll have  time to venture through the castle to make sure it was safe. We insisted them not too. Mum hadn't a blink of rest since we came back from school and found out that Professor Dumbledore lies lifeless on the very ground of Hogwarts. It was supposed to be the safest place in the wizarding world. How are they to believe that when the very person who said it breathe his last breath in the vicinity of the school.

Cho had graduated the previous year so it was just me, Luna, Dean, and Seamus.

Dean and Seamus were both fully convinced about the speculations of Draco being a Death Eater. I was beginning to believe it, too. But I still have a small dose of benefit of the doubt, I hated it. I hated that I couldn't hate him. I wanted to, and I was trying in all my powers to do so, but a small voice whispers in my head that he was not intending whatever had happen to happen.

Professor Snape was the headmaster. And just as I thought nothing was worse than Professor Umbridge to be the headmistress, this happened. He had the school rearrange, everytime the headmaster calls for us, we'd have to strictly fall into line, marching like we're some soldiers in training.

Me and Luna would sometimes sneak out our houses to the Gryffindor's common room. I mostly do it to make sure Ginny would remain unharmed.

Ron did not attend School.

It wasn't his choice.

As far as mum and Dad knows, he's at school, with us. But he wasn't. Hermione had told me before we sleep the very night I had her read my real father's letter that the three of them— Hermione, Ron, and Harry— will be off to find the rest of the horcruxes.

We hadn't made up yet, not properly, at least. Ron grew up hard headed and wouldn't take anything he disagrees with into consideration. I wanted to sort out things between us before he goes hunting for the horcruxes but time is evil. It hadn't let me. I kept thinking about the possibility that he might be harmed during the task, that he might die.

Why is the world so cruel? We're just kids.

Draco and I started bumping into each other a few weeks into our 7th year. He had proven himself deserving of my hate whenever he did. He acted as if nothing had happened between us, as if he never cried on my shoulders, begging me to stay, as if he had always despised me. He had acted as I expected him to when I first met him. He had acted like a Malfoy.

Whenever we crossed paths, it made me want to use the memory charm on myself to have forget him, his existence, the comfort in his touch, the taste of his lips, the coldness of his hands whenever is touches mine. But I didn't have the courage to do so.

Neville and Lavender was closest to me this year more than ever, We would sneak out of the common rooms and find somewhere secluded where we'd be no one but our own selves, without the eye of the prefects constantly watching our every move.

Lavender. She's a great girl. Better than how Ron had told me story about her. Sure, all she did was smog my brother but Ron doesn't have to be so rough about it. One day, before they broke up, when Ron was telling stories about them, he had called Lav such foul words that I had to smack the book I was reading hard on his head to get him back to his senses.

Metal, Ron was. He always chip in my relationship with Draco when he couldn't even fix his own relationship.

Being called by the headmaster at random times pisses me off. We were supposed to be in bed and you'd call us for reasons that can clearly be solved when the sun rises.

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