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Not long after, we're eventually alone in the small pub, except the servers and the one at the counter, of course. My hands are still in his and I'll never deny that he's doing a great job warming it up.


"Draco" he cutted me again.

I stayed silent for a bit and continued speaking "Draco,"

He was still blowing on my hand

"Shouldn't we keep all this uhmmm, you know, low-key?" I ask, he looked up at me and narrowed his eyes.

"Why?" He said then continued blowing on my hands.

"For your reputation?" I replied confusedly.

"Why would you think I care about my reputation?"

"Well, for starters. I'm a Weasley"


"I'm not a Slytherin"


I didn't answer. For a moment I thought he'll suggest to keep our relationship low-key for his reputation. But he thinks otherwise.

"Well," I started, sighing deeply.

"If you're gonna bring up my father again then I'm not gonna hear it," he said, looking directly at me and intertwining our fingers. His cold ring hit my hand again. "I love you, and I'm not ashamed of it."

I just nodded in response and took a sip of the butterbeer with my free hand.

"We can keep it low if you want to"

I looked at him and thought to myself whether I want to or no. I can't have my siblings find out about it yet, especially Ron, he'll go mental. I shook negative thoughts and the worst case scenarios and decided to think about what I want. And one thing's for sure, I don't want to keep it a secret.

I shake my head and said "no," I blinked fastly, looked down, then look back at his eyes. "I don't want it low"

He nodded "it's done, then"


We exchanged chats and I've seen a side of him I'd never suspect to exist at all. His smiles are contagious that I feel that my cheek will rip if I smile wider. He's beautiful.

Later, when we finished our butterbeers, we headed outside the pub and walked through hogsmeade with our hands tied with each other. It was still very cold. I felt his thumb caressing my hand that was on his.

We went to honeydukes. I told him I like pumpkin pasties and when we exited the place he handed me a bag full of it.

I never once in my life ever even considered being friends with him, better yet, dating him. I know a lot of people would go against our relationship, Dean and Seamus, My siblings, My parents, his parents. Almost everyone. But their opinions doesn't matter, no. What matters is we're together, just the two of us, alone together.

Time flew like the wind and it was already getting dark. We sat on the bench by the school's main entrance. I felt eyes looking at us, looking at me. I was sure that after this day, things would not be the same. I was sure rumors were to be spread, things were to be said, and arguments waited yet to be done. I felt anxious but he'd caress my hand with his thumb and look at me like I was the only person to exist in the world, like I was the only person to exist in his world.

The sunset was to be begin probably half an hour from now, Draco leaned into my ears and whispers "I wanna show you something"

I looked at him, he looked back in my eyes with a smirk curving at the edge of his lips, I nodded. He got up and offered his hands to me which I gladly took. My face is probably red but I never bother to cover it.

We walked and walked and walked and walked. Until we arrived at the place he wanted to show me. It was by the black lake, perfect place to watch the sunset if you'd ask me. The sun's radiance perfectly covered everything. There also stood a tree that seems to have a hole on it, peculiar.

Draco leaned by my ear "I go here whenever I feel like it," I look at him and he looked back then smiled "it's a pretty romantic place." He added then fixed his posture again, my eyes followed him. I just nodded and smiled in reply.

I let go of his hand and later find myself sitting on the grass, I patted my hand beside me and looked behind at Draco. He walked closer and sat beside me.

I curled my knees and wrapped my hands around it and rest my chin on my knees while he sat with one of his leg spread and the other one on its sole, his elbow on his knees and his hands on his chin. We watched as the sun goes down. I leaned to him and his hands almost immediately wrapped around my shoulders, caressing my hair.

We stayed silent in each other companies. The only sound to be heard was our breathing, the wind that rushes, the water that flows, and a few birds that chirps. It was perfect. If I could, I would stay like this, forever.

He removed his hands from my shoulder and reached for my cheek, I followed his motions and looked at him, he was looking at my lips. From that I knew what he wants, I want it too. I nodded before he could even speak, not a moment after, his lips touched mine. It was gentle and slow. His hands rest on my cheek and he caressed it with his thumb while he continued to kiss me. My hands are on either of his shoulder. His free hand reaches for mine and he interlaced it once more but never broke the kiss. It was amazing.

We're both breathless when our lips parted from each other, he kissed my forehead and rested his chin on the top of my head while he caresses my hair.

For the first time in my life had I felt like this. I was always scared of committing to love because once upon a time my unknown parents had it and abandoned the result of it, me. I didn't want to turn out the same as they did, so, I ignored love and romance as much as I could. I was scared, but now, I wasn't. Every bit of fear was washed away from me, not leaving a mark behind as if it never existed. And it's all because of him— Draco Malfoy.

H I M ; Draco Malfoy Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang