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V i n n i e

I woke up on Luna's lap, her back rest against my bed's headboard. I slowly sat up and saw Cho curled up on my foot side.


"It's okay," Luna said caressing my hair while I cry. I lay my head on her lap, her skirt almost wet from the tears I was shedding.

"I didn't want to say anything because it's family business but," Cho paused, reaching out for my hand and held it tightly. "What Ron said is complete rubbish."

I continued crying but still nodded to respond.

Luna carried on with brushing my hair with her fingers, while Cho rub her thumb on my hand.

I remember them saying that there's nothing wrong with it, that they've seen my situation back with Rolf Scamander and knew how much I've struggled with committing love and how brave I was for finally doing it. I remember them opposing when I said I look stupid crying over a stupid relationship, then, I remembered falling asleep.


I sat up and switched my glance at the both of them and at the same time recalling the events last night. Cho slowly sat up as well and looked at me, still half-asleep.

"Morning, Vin" she smiled. I smiled back

"Morning, Cho"

Not long after, Luna fluttered her eyes open. We greeted each other good morning once again.

"What classes do you guys have?" Cho surveyed, reaching out her hands for the both of us. We grabbed her hand and she pulled us up so we were on our feet.

We answered differently.

"Let's meet after class?" Cho offered, picking up our robes from the closet and handing it to me and Luna.

"Sounds like a plan" I replied, Luna nodded.

The three of us started getting ready for classes and all went down together when finished.

We carried on with our classes when we parted from each other. I did my usual routine, took out my notebook, jot down some notes, listen, then later found myself back at the library. I don't have any classes with last period so I just pass time at the library before Cho and Luna got out of class.

I intend to study but my mind is completely hazy that I couldn't concentrate with anything. I've heard my uncountable words from people saying how my real parents doesn't like and I've already come at the conclusion that they really don't, but Ron's words made me snap. His words is a full cup and I've only got half a cup remaining to burst out emotionally.

I lay my head on the table Infront of me and close my eyes. I felt someone sat beside me and I fluttered my eyes open. It was Draco. He tucked my hair behind my ear.

I sat up and dusted my clothes. I don't really what him to know what had happened.

"Do you need something?" I ask

He shook his head no and said  "no, just wanna see you"

I chuckled and slightly hit him.

His eyes examined my face. I crossed my eyebrows in confusion but didn't bother to ask.

He's wearing his robe but he still as good looking as he was when he was wearing his black suit. He's very beautiful, I will never get tired saying that. It made me wonder why me of all people. There's a lot of beautiful ladies here at Hogwarts, let's take for example Astoria Greengrass, her sister Daphne, Pansy Parkinson. Those ladies also have good family reputation like him, but no, he had to go with a Weasley.

Draco grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his, his cold rings hit my palm again.

"Are you free after class?" He ask.

I slowly shook my head no "I'm hanging out with Cho and Luna"

"Ohh" he hummed, my hands still in his "tomorrow?"

I nodded "yeah, sure. Why?"

"I'm taking you out"


"Can I not take out my girlfriend?" He said, another grin forming on the corner of his mouth. I felt my cheek glistened red.

He looked down to his hands in mine and noticed that one of his rings are missing. The one in the pinky. He always has it on so I ask "where's you ring?"

He looked down at our hands and said "here" he reached out his free hand with his robe's pocket. It was his ring, he positioned the ring between the tip of his thumb and index finger, removed our fingers from each other and lift my hand with his, sliding the ring in my ring finger. It's loosed but not loose enough that it would fall off.

I lifted my hand and looked at it then I switched my focus to Draco "why?"

Draco chuckled and pinched my cheek "you really like the question 'why', don't you"

I jokingly flicked his hand away from me and chuckled

It's surprising how he could brighten up my day in a matter of seconds.

"I can see you staring at my rings everyday at class, I could've bought you a similar one that'll fit your finger perfectly, but I don't know of your size," he explained, slowly leaning into my ear and finally, rested his forehead on my shoulder. I grabbed his arm so he won't fall and rubbed his back with my other hand. "This will make sure you'll never forget me" he chuckled. I did the same.

He doesn't need to give me anything he possesses to make me not forget him. His existence is always racing through my head. I can always smell him, feel him, see him, even when he's miles apart. It's overwhelming

He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a hug. His face dugged in the corner of my neck. I quickly hugged him back and caressed his hair, "are you okay?" I ask.

He nodded "couldn't be better."



next chapter is gonna be Draco's pov again!!

H I M ; Draco Malfoy Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon