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V i n n i e

A seer is witch with gift beyond
Inner eye opened, for the future they hold
Once a seer spoke prophecy, one can't escape
For one can deny, but it is not a mistake


After what had happened that night, mum insisted we don't go back at Hogwarts for our last year, she said it was way to dangerous and she wouldn't have a blink of rest knowing her kids lives are in danger.

She said in a letter—before we came back, that the burrows are repaired. Bill and Charlie went home to help Dad.

I miss them, my Family.

We haven't been complete since Percy had his mind set into a goal, The ministry had completely turned his mind rubbish. He chose serving them over us, his own family. The thought made me want to throw up.

We used to be close, me and Percy. We entered summer school at the Ministry together when no one else in our family wanted to. He's never really been a rule breaker, unlike me. I like making people mad. I somehow find it amusing when mum glow of red when she'd reprimand Ginny and I along with the twins whenever we'd make fun of Ron.

I miss those days, Although I was certain that it wouldn't be going back the way it used to anymore. I'm still trying to learn to accept that.

Going back to Hogwarts is a month away, Ginny and I are still trying to convince mum to have us return to Hogwarts to have Dumbledore's Army reunite. Mum kept ignoring us whenever we bring it up. Fred and George had already graduated, if they haven't, convincing mum would've been easier. Mum gave in eventually. I told her I'll keep Ginny safe and she had nothing to worry of. Mum called for me to talk.

"Mum?" I queried, a look of worry washed over mum's face as she kept fidgeting her hands. I hold grip of her hand gently "what's the matter?"

She looked at me, eyes almost welled with tears. "I do not wish to go against what you and Ginny wants, but, is there convincing you otherwise? I'm sure if you don't return to Hogwarts, she wouldn't have to as well"

"Mum, we've talked about this. We wanted to help with the Order. I know things have been going down ever since Sirius died" I replied, keeping my voice as soft as possible. I didn't want mum to think I do not care of her worry.

She holds my hands firmly and looks at me in the eye "promise me you won't do anything that might harm you and your sister"

I nod. "I promise, mum." I wiped her tears and gave her a small kiss on the cheek. "Let's get you to bed, yeah? I'll take care of dinner."

Mum nodded, I guided her to dad, and Dad took over.

Harry and Hermione was staying over at the burrows. I heard Hermione tell the story of how she used the memory charm to keep her family away from danger. Reminds me when I used the very charm on Fred and Ginny, except, it was only for my good. I felt guilt wash over me.

"Vin?" Hermione called, she was only a few steps behind. Fred had left with George. I saw a glimpse of the living room. Harry, Ron, and Ginny sat on the floor. I slightly turned my head to her and answered with a hum, not drifting my attention from what I was cooking.

"Can we have a chat?" She ask. I turned off the heat from the stove and turned my heels to her. I know what she wants to talk about. Every single one of them had been wanting to have me speak of what I know of Draco. It's getting tiring.

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