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D r a c o

June 5, 1997

My dearest, Vinnie.

Years would pass like normal with me, until I met you. It's my birthday, the first birthday that I hadn't felt your lips on mine.

Before you, I found birthday's pathetic, I found it dumb that people would celebrate them when a year passed when they were born just for it to pass again. It has always been a big day for you. The handmade gift you made me still lies in my room at the manor, the kisses you gave me still remain on my lips. How I wish I could relive what had passed to feel it again.

It's pathetic how I still write letters I know you wouldn't have the chance to lend eyes on. I don't wanna prove my love to you if it means losing you.

June 8, 1997

My dearest, Vinnie

I still hold of the ripped sketches you made of me. I kept every little thing that reminded me of you because I never wanted to have a memory be gone. It's ironic. I wanted to forget you to have make things easier, but seemingly to forget you is harder that remembering you.

I wish meeting me did not affect your optimism of birthdays.

My heart aches, it does.

If only I had left you behind, maybe you wouldn't lost the spark in your eyes. My life was miserable far before I met you, I did not, in any intention, want to make yours to.

I'd sacrifice the world to have me grasp of the time turner to turn back time and not invite you to the party at the night your lips first touched mine.

Perhaps in another universe we get to be together. But how unfair was that. I don't want it to be in another universe, I want it here. I want you in this universe. I want to be able to be with you in every universe including this one. Why does it have to be in another universe and not ours.

Happy birthday, my love.

October 15, 1997

My dearest, Vinnie.

Its been months since you ended it with me with a letter. My heart shatter whenever I'm seeing you walk down the hallways and look my way. Those beautiful hazel eyes used to look at me with so much love that it overwhelms me. It still did. Except, it wasn't because of the love. It's because of hatred.

I, till this day have blamed myself for how much pain I've caused you. Your smiled turns into frowns, your giggles turns into scoffs, you heartfelt reassurance turns into words of reminder on how I intend to kill you that night. I'd never. I'd die for you, I'd kill for you, I'd do anything for you so please, Vinnie. Please stop hating me.

I know I've no one to blame but myself. I ought to congratulate myself because I've finally did it, I've finally made you hate me. But why does it hurt? Why is the thought of being hated by you aches me so much?

I'd rather experience the pain I had when I got the dark mark everyday than you hating me.

I have fallen under the spell of your enchanting allure. You have bewitched me beyond measure, and I find myself longing for every stolen moment, every passionate touch shared between us. I want it back, I want you back.

I miss you. God, I miss you.


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