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V i n n i e

"If you think I'm going to let you do that, then you're completely mental!" Ginny yelled, standing up and walking towards me.

Neville, took hold of Ginny's hand to calm her. "She's right, Vin." Neville spoke "we're not just going to let you have your ways, you're risking your life,"

I switched glances at both of them, "I need to find nova—"

"I doubt Nova would be happy if she known you're risking your life for her," Luna spoke, her voice was soft, it always was. It made me think otherwise of my plan.

Silence emits.

A cold, awkward wind blew my hair out of my face, then a sound. A whistle. I ignored it and turned to my friends again. "Then what can we do?"

"First," Luna started, uprising from her seat, holding a hand on my shoulder "we plan, a plan we can all agree on. No impulsive decisions, nothing that can lead to any misunderstandings."

I nodded, then sat with them. We started talking about something else, desperately trying to shift the conversation.

I wanted to get drunk. I thought randomly, I suggested we go to the Three broomsticks for some alcohol but Neville said he knows where the prefects keeps the drinks they took for safety keeping. It isn't somewhere dangerous, he claimed. So, we let him take a few bottles alone while we fix up the place. Luna had said she needs to stay sober Incase any of us do something under the influence, I couldn't thank her more. I don't have high tolerance, I couldn't control my words when I'm drunk, and I hated that I can remember everything clearly when sobering up.

A few passed, Neville arrived with the booze. A couple of bottler of beetle berry whiskey and fire whiskey.

I poured the fire whiskey first, on three of the red plastic cups Neville's brought. Then, time flew by. I didn't noticed. All I felt was how the alcohol slides through my throat with a satisfying burning sensation.

I'm a few cups in, I think, I wasn't sure. Neville was almost wasted, Ginny's playing with her wand, and Luna was reading something on her hand, I couldn't read what it was, even when I squint, it was a blur. So I put it aside, concentrating on another round of burning sensation I was feeling on my throat.

I retreat from my seat. I needed to use the loo. I felt Luna's small and soft hand wrap around my wrist. "Where are you going?" She ask, I looked down at her. Neville's head rest on her lap, he was asleep, his nose red and the cup almost the same shade of his nose falling from his hand.

"The loo." I replied.

"Don't do anything stupid," she warned. I rarely heard her use such words as foul as stupid, I'm sure she doesn't mean it as an insult, though. Just an adjective.

I nodded, then she let me go. Everything was spinning, but I still managed to walk straight. Or so I thought. My face hit the wall, I thought it was a curtain.

"Be careful!" I heard Luna yell.

I didn't know why, but I was having a hard time finding the loo. There's millions of it in the castle, and I used to know where every single one is, but for some reason, I couldn't find one. I guided my heavy body to one of the stoned window by the South courtyard. It looks awfully familiar. I didn't know how.

My elbow fell to my thighs and I found myself pulling on my hair, digging my nails on my scalp, crying. Was I crying? I wasn't sure. What I was sure of was I felt something, someone, removing my almost bloody hands from my head and lifting my head. And I was sure it was someone I'm most familiar with. Probably the reason why this place was so familiar. The person knelt before me, cupping my hands with his, blowing on it. He removed his scarf then wrapped it around me. Not that I needed it, my body was hot from the alcohol. His eyes landed on mine. Blue with the streaks of green, face was pale, and lips looks soft. Of course, how could I forget. This place, this is where I first kissed this person.

D r a c o—

I wandered around, it was passed curfew, and I had a job to keep everyone in their houses. If I wasn't required to return to Hogwarts, I wouldn't have. Not when guilt had devoured me. I'm sure what I planned was working. She was hating me, I was sure. I couldn't bear the thought. And I couldn't bear crossing paths with her when all she knows of was one the side of mine. The side that was openly hating her, and the side she was openly hating as much.

I saw her exit the doors of the Gryffindor common room. One of her hand holds a red cup. Alcohol, I thought. Maybe that's the reason why the stash had lost a couple of bottles. I followed her, she seemed so out of it, her trails are wobbly, her hair isn't styled as it usually was, just in a pony.

I wasn't sure what she was looking for but I was sure the alcohol did not help with her endeavor. She reclined on the stoned window, her elbow rest on her thighs and her hand gripped her hair frustratingly. It looked like it would bleed. I contemplated whether I would or would not go to her. She's under the influence anyway, I'm sure she wouldn't remember if I did help. If she did, she'd blame the alcoholic for falsely remembering, and I could go back to being the person she hated the most and the person who hated her the most.

I walked to her slowly, removing her hands from her hair, blowing on it. It was red, probably from the cold, probably from the alcohol. I wrapped my scarf around her neck, it was too exposed from the weather, not that I would mind if she wore exposing clothes.

"Dray?" Her voice was a whimper, a wolf's cry. It made me fold. My hand found its way to her cheek, pushing away any tears that flows down. Her eyes was barely open, but tears, nonetheless, escaped from it.

I didn't answer. I hadn't had the guts to. But she melted. Her body falls on mine. I found ourselves on the ground, her hand desperately wrapped around my neck, one of my hand assisted her and the other guides us from not falling. I dug my face deeply on the crook of her neck. How I missed this.


I had to stop.

I picked her up, gently resting her back against the stoned wall, she sat on the floor. Her knees automatically curled to her chest. "Don't go.." she exclaimed, shedding tears in the process.

"If I had a choice, I would never leave," my hands still glued to her cheek, then I found myself leaning in, and she was doing the same. Our lips touched, dancing together in the same symphony. Waltzing like never before. My hand travels in the back to her neck to pull her in slowly, and both her arms wrapped around my neck. I didn't want it to end. I just want it to be like this. Forever. I felt the saltiness of her tears combined with the one's I wasn't aware I was as well as shedding. Then the kiss broke.

She didn't say a word. Neither did I. Her hand made it's way to my face. I ushered it off. My hand found its was in my suit, in the inner pocket of it. It reached for my wand.

"I'm sorry, darling." I kissed her forehead, "I love you"

Again, I found my wand pointed at her. A painful nostalgia.




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