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Warning: Mention of violence, blood, foul language and slurs, and possible death.

V i n n i e

The sound of shoes clanking against tiles of the castle echoes through its walls. Vinnie, beside Luna, was more than sure of what to happen. She trust Harry's and the other's plan would work but her heart can help but feel a doubt on how things were expected to go down.

She thought- if she were to die that day, the last person she wants to see is him. She didn't know why. If she hasn't said it already enough times, she'd call herself stupid. But the calls for red flags, the pain of betrayal, and the unforgiving stare of silence wasn't enough to level with how much she had loved him. How much she still love him.

They reached the hallways, her head, almost growing on the length of a giraffe's desperately tried to find the one person she wants to see. A small spoon of Optimism to find Draco had her not noticed of what's happening around. She stood on her tippee-toe, using Luna's shoulder so she won't fall.

The events happening was a blur to her. All she remembers was professor McGonagall attacking the headmaster with her wand, bright beams of light flashes from her wand, and the headmaster's shadow slamming through the window to escape.

People rejoiced, then Slytherins were sent down to the dungeon.

It was stupid, Vinnie thought. To send the Slytherins to the dungeon when the continuation of life were a question still hanging.

She escaped Luna's grasps on her hand to follow filch and the Slytherins down the dungeon to have them locked up. Mostly because of Pansy. Partly because of Draco. Although Draco was nowhere to be seen.

Luna's screams of her name echoes in her mind but she ignored it. She had never ignored Luna. But an invisible force dragged her feet to where the crowd opposed.

She had not an idea anymore on where the others are. Where Dean and Seamus headed when she last saw them, where Luna was when she escaped her grasps, where her parents her, her siblings, everyone.

Her shoes rattled along the tiled floor of the castle. One side of the corridor lies lifeless bodies of young-looking students, the other filled with black-robed people—death eaters— slashing their wand across the wind and murdering people they come in contact with in every chance they get.

In the midst of the chaotic rush, she found herself close to the edge of losing balance as the wave of people surging past in the opposite direction. The invisible force guided her steps toward the heart of the commotion, the very place others fled in panic. A scene gathered her attention.

A scene made of three people. Two in Black robes and one with ginger hair. The one in black robe was a girl and the other was a man. The girl was familiar, awfully familiar, Vinnie thought. Her hair glistened gold with the barely visible reflection of the sun brightening it further more, tanned skin with freckles.


Nova, her closest companion and confidante. Nova, with her wand gripped tightly in her hand. It was a moment where the mundane backdrop of everyday life was abruptly replaced by a scenario of unexplainable tension.

Her confusion deepened, from the reef of the sea to the bottom of the deepest point, as she tried to process the scene playing out before her. Nova's wand was not just poised, but directed at someone. A knot tightened in her stomach as she turn to see the target. Then, like a sudden jolt to her core, the truth unfolded before her —the person who was seemed to be in Nova's mercy was none other than the ginger haired one. Fred, her own brother.

The world seemed to come to a standstill as the weight of that revelation settled upon her shoulders.

A blinding beam of green light flashes before her from Nova's wand, hitting the restrained body of Fred.

Panic and disbelief mingled in her eyes as Nova's shriek pierced the air, but it was overwhelmingly overshadowed by the thud of her brother's lifeless body colliding with the unforgiving ground.

In the aftermath of this harrowing moment, she found herself grappling with the harsh reality of a twisted fate. The repercussions of that singular act reverberated through her, sending vibrations of grief and confusion through every fabric of her being. It was a scene to stay permanent in her memory, an indelible mark that would forever alter the course of her existence. A mark tattooed.

That— took a turn.

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