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V i n n i e

Vinnie stays still, her hand on her back to assist herself not to fall back. Draco was still infront of him, too busy tending her splinch to even give a glimpse. He was sweating profusely. She could almost see him cry.

He took his wand from his pocket, Vinnie flinched back. She was afraid he'd do something. Trust was already shattered once, and like a broken glass, it could not be fully repaired.

"Listen," he spoke, still looking down. Vinnie's splinch was already fully covered with his polo that he ripped to act as gauze. "I haven't time to explain everything, but please, Vinnie, trust me. Even just for this very moment" he added, looking up at her. Their eyes met. Not with anger and paired with furrowed eyebrows, but with tears. Vinnie wasn't sure if she was crying because of the events unfolding before her or because of the pain she's suffering from the splinch she had. He reached once again from his pockets and retrieved a vial.

"This is Essence of Dittany, I tried using it earlier to tend to your wounds but the maximum I could use of could not heal you properly." He grabbed her hand and placed it gently inside her palm, the closing her hand with his own. "Use it later," he added.

Vinnie's head was in complete chaos. She still isn't done with processing over the fact that Nova killed Fred, and now Draco is being good again.

Vinnie stood up, grunting with every movement.

Draco reached before her but she slapped his hand away from her "Don't touch me." She said, panting.

"Vin, you're too weak to move."

"Then take advantage of that and end me! Please!" She replied, sobbing quietly. "If you won't, then let me go. Because unlike you I have people I care for dearly that I do not want to die because of this stupid chaos you and your people are causing!"

Vinnie walked limping and bleeding. She looked at her splinch and saw that it really was healed a bit. She hesitated for a moment to leave the room and just stay to talk to him but memories flashed back. Memories of the burrows on Christmas night. Memories of Fred, Lavender, Gellert, Olethros, Athena—

A loud sound awoke her from her thought then she saw Draco posed in front of her with a wand in his wand, it was pointed on the far left. Her vision blurred again, a loud and high pitched ringing in her ear and her heart rate sped up. She was breathing heavily.

"Vin," Draco's voice warped with noises in her head, it was barely audible. "Vinnie!"

Who are they...?

She asked herself.

"They hold you dear."

A creepily familiar voice answered. Vinnie closed her eyes shut and covered her ears, hoping to get away from the ear breaking sound in her ear.

I don't know them.

"But they know you."

I don't know an Olethros, I don't know an Athena. Who are they? Who are you!?

"I'm you"

"Vinnie!" Draco's voice was simultaneous with Vinnie opening her eyes. "Are those the visions again?" His voice despondent.

Vinnie shook her head several times. She felt a hand on her waist. It was Draco. She hadn't realized it but she was sat on the table with Draco between her legs. His hand rest on her waist and the other on her cheek. She jolt down, groaning when she did. She was still wounded and she only realized that.

Draco tailed not far from her, his arms extended. "Vin—"

"Don't touch me!" Vinnie warned. Her hands positioned as if to defend herself. "Please," she looks at him "I don't trust you like I used to."

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