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V i n n i e

I was discharged from the infirmary a few hours after waking up. Madam Promfrey queried me a few questions before letting me go. I couldn't answer when she ask what caused my to feel dizzy. Even I don't know the answer to that question.

Nothing really fun happened these past few days. It's just school, sleep, eat, and repeat. 

I sometimes bump into Draco even though I try my best to avoid looking at him, I couldn't. He's too much to ignore. He's too much in general. Sometimes he'll be alone and sometimes he'll be with Astoria.

I no longer have right to feel something whenever I saw him with her. We're through. I haven't any right to. But we just broke up and suddenly he'll cling on another woman not even months after he ended it. I didn't even agreed to end it.

It's almost curfew and I was just walking down the hallways. It's Saturday evening, I have a cup of iced coffee with me while I admire the magic of the castles interior. I know I can't have coffee but Ginny isn't around anyway. Not like she'll find out about it.

"Hey, Vin" a voice behind me called. I looked and saw Lorenzo Berkshire heading his way to me, Draco's cousin.

"Yeah?" I replied, trying to be polite even though I'm not in the mood to be.

"I heard the ravenclaws are throwing a party tonight." He said, putting his hands in his pocket when he finally catched up to me.

"Have you?" I replied, sipping my drink "I haven't."

I saw Lorenzo on my peripheral view with a confused face written all over.

"But aren't you—" he paused then shook his head "anyway, mind if we crash in?"

"Sure, whatever"


"Bye" I cut him off then made a turn. A turn that might actually make my way back to the dorm add another half an hour. I wasn't in the mood for small talks, it's not like I'm the one who will organize that party, why would he ask me? Go ask Cho.

After a few more minutes, I've finally arrived by my house's tower. I made sure to make proper disposal of my coffee so Ginny won't find out. She'll be the first to kill me, not the coffee.

I haven't even entered the room and I can already hear the music coming from the common room. I opened the door. Shit, there's people.

I tried making my way up to my dorm unnoticed but miserably failed.

"Vinnie~" a voice called for me, Pansy Parkinson.

We've talked several times and thankfully, she wasn't one of those Slytherin gals who used to make fun of me. Most of my past bullies are in Gryffindor. Sure, Pansy Parkinson is also a blood supremacists but she's not as bad as people tells her to be, at least not to me.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulder and leaned in to whisper "how's my favorite ravenclaw?" She reeks of alcohol

I pushed her face away "fine,"

She looked at me then rest her head on my shoulder

"Isn't it a little bit too early to be tipsy," I ask, trying to take the shot glass of whiskey she was holding.

She snatched her hand away from me and said "nah, never too early for alcohol" she started dragging me somewhere. I let her, not until I saw him.

"I- I think I'm gonna go get some rest—" I stuttered, desperately trying to release myself from Pansy grasp.

"Nuh-uh," she picks up something on the table before forcefully sitting me on the couch and sat beside me. The couch Draco was on. "Here," she exclaimed followed by a burp "drink" then directed the glass of beetle berry whiskey on my mouth


"Shhhh, drink"

I sighed and gave in, I guided her hand while I drink the whiskey. A hot sensation burns my throat. It was satisfying, better than coffee, I might add.

The party continued. I never planned to attend this party. If I was I wouldn't be wearing a sage hoodie and night gown underneath it. But the alcohol made me stay.

We had a few shots, they played a few games. My eyes kept on landing on him though I try my best to ignore his presence, his existence, rather. It's not an easy task. That's Draco Malfoy for goodness sake.

I felt the alcohol started to kick in and felt sick to the stomach. I got up, Pansy grabbed me.

"Where are you off to, my love?" She ask, she reeks of alcohol.

"Fresh air" I gently took her hands from mine and lay her down on the couch

"Don't be gone too long, I'll be lonely" she plead. Sure, you have your whole gang with you and you'll be lonely without me. Sure.

I grabbed a bottle of fire whiskey before heading to the balcony, the bottle is halfway done.

I lean on the balustrade, took my hair clamp off and let the air fly through my brunette locks. I haven't done my hair routing for a while, it's a bit in a mess. But who cares? Well, I don't. All I care about at the moment is how fast I could chug this fire whiskey up.

I felt my dizziness even more so I made my way to the nearby bench. I sat then started randomly contemplating every single one of my life decisions up until now. I looked at the night sky. A starless night. I strengthen my grip on the neck of the bottle and started chugging it all. I felt another burning sensation burn my throat, another dose of pleasure but resides with the pain. I miss him. I randomly thought.

I took off my hoodie, laid down on the bench and used the hoodie as a blanket.

I felt someone looking at me. I don't know how long I've been napping here but I'm certain it's a long time. I was already hearing the birds chirp and seeing a slight sunlight hit my closed eye. I was curled up, my body aches. I attempt to stretched my leg but it hit something, someone. I looked at where my feet was and saw him. Draco.

He's sleeping with his head knocked up and his arms crossed. I slowly started to sit up and noticed that the hoodie I used as a blanket was gone, instead, I was wrapped with a real blanket. I look at him for a bit. He's not changed at all, his features really does blend unbelievably perfect with each other. His flows lazily from his forehead. Even the way he breathes a beautiful. It's been a while since I get the chance to stare at him for long.

I know certainly that the break up wasn't because he fell out of love. There's something more behind it. Maybe with his family, I don't know, I'm not sure. But I kept on believing that there's something more to it. Or was I just still stuck in stage of denial.

"I know I'm gorgeous but I can't have you falling in love with me that easily" He exclaimed, his eyes still closed "falling in love again, I mean."


Again, ily all. Thank you for staying this far into the story. Please don't forget to vote for the chapter and give me a follow if you'd like!

For better experience (and spoiler), you guys can check out the first part ever uploaded, I have the Spotify playlist I made for this story liked there!

I'll be uploaded tomorrow eveningggg

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