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Draco and Vinnie stood back to back, their wands at the ready, their hearts pounding in unison. They were surrounded on all sides by Death Eaters. But they were not deterred. If anything, they were more determined than ever, their resolve hardened by the battle they face.

Never did Vinnie ever considered battling Death Eaters, better yet with Draco. He was a Death Eater himself. She was still in doubt of Draco but her heart overwhelms her brain. She didn't thought of her decision correctly, it was on impulse. But right now, it didn't matter.

Their eyes scanned their surroundings, alert for any movement, any sign of an impending attack. They moved as one, their actions synchronized as if they had rehearsed this dance a thousand times. They had no blind spots for they covered each other's.

A Death Eater lunged at them, his wand aimed at Vinnie. But before he could cast his spell, Draco was there, his own wand slashing through the air. A jet of light shot out, hitting the Death Eater square in the chest and sending him flying backwards.

Vinnie didn't miss a beat. As Draco dealt with the first attacker, she spun around to face the next one. Her wand moved in a swift, precise arc, casting a shield charm just in time to deflect a curse. With a quick counter-attack, she sent the Death Eater sprawling. She thanked whoever's in charge of them that she didn't forgot the 6 years of training she went through when she still wanted to become an auror. She quit when she was on 5th year. She doesn't like the way of the ministry and still hated Percy for what he's done.

"I didn't know you could fight like that," Draco managed to say in the middle of catching his breath, he was amused. His back on Vinnie's, his smirk to his ear.

"Trust me," Vinnie started, slashing her wand on the air, causing another Death Eater to fly to the air. "Nor do I" they parted again from each other's back, charging to their target.

They fought like this for what felt like hours, fending off wave after wave of Death Eaters. Their movements were fluid and efficient, a deadly dance of attack and defense. They switched places seamlessly when needed, covering for each other.

Slowly but surely, they fought their way through the horde of Death Eaters, their path marked by the fallen bodies of their adversaries. They were relentless, but not cruel. The worst spell they casted was the full body-bind curse.

They eventually found themselves near the Viaduct Courtyard. They paused for a moment, their chests heaving, their bodies drenched in sweat. Vinnie could see the silhouette of her mother's. She was also fighting with someone, someone wearing black. Vinnie wandered her eye and landed on who she wanted to see the most. Her sister, Ginny. She sighed in relief when she saw Ginny behind their mother.

"Thank God she's safe," she whispered.

"What— Vin!!"

A figure clad in black emerged from behind them, unnoticed by Draco until it was almost too late. The figure's was wand aimed at Vinnie and ready to strike while she was preoccupied internally celebrating her sisters safety when the imminent danger creeping up behind her denies her own.

"Stop, Abernathy!" Draco's voice rang out, causing Abernathy to halt and turn his attention towards him, confusion drawn on his face.

"You dare defy the Dark Lord's order?" Abernathy retorted, disgust lacing his words. Draco maneuvered himself protectively in front of Vinnie.

"She's of Grindelwald's bloodline, you won't harm her," Draco asserted. Vinnie's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze slowly going towards him. She opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Abernathy, who was now kneeling on the ground, speaking reverently, as if in the presence of a deity, a god, even.

"Is it true?" Abernathy pleaded. "I serve the Dark Lord faithfully, but my blood allegiance is to you." He started crawling forward on his knees, extending a hand towards Vinnie, but Draco blocked his path.

"You knew?" Vinnie focused his gaze on Draco, her eyes narrowed, devoid of tears this time. Draco attempted to reach for her hand, but she pulled it away sharply. "Don't touch me. You disgust me," she spat, her breath ragged. "All this time, I've been ignoring my sister's warnings about you. You've betrayed my trust more than once, yet I was foolish enough to let you back into my life."

"Vinnie, please, let me explain—" Draco began but Vinnie spoke again. Her voice like the voice Draco was never familiar with. It was stern and full of anger.

"I feel so bloody dumb, you know that?" She said, pausing. Draco couldn't reply. "And you know why? Because all this time you knew who I was. Who I am." Her arms was the extension of her emotions, she wanted to slap him but stopped herself. "Is that why you wanted to get close to me? Because I am a bloody threat to your oh, so strong dear Voldemort that you're scared I would be overthrow him." She took a deep unbalanced sigh, running her fingers frustratingly on her hair. "And here I thought you love me even though I'm a Weasley. You knew I wasn't" she took a few steps back but her eyes never left Draco's. If it could scream as much is how her heart feels, it would. "You're still the same blood-supremacists-prejudice people told you are."

"I didn't know until sooner, this place is too dangerous for a conversation, Vinnie, please—" Draco's plead was stopped by another voice. Both of them looks down and saw Abernathy almost crawling on the ground towards Vinnie.

"I will forever pledge my loyalty to you if you choose to carry on Gellert's legacy. I implore you—"

"Avada Kedavra." A monotone voice cast the spell. Draco's eyes moved from Abernathy's lifeless body on the ground to Vinnie, her hand clutching a wand that was still glowing with a green light and emitting white smoke.

Vinnie's wand extended further. Pointing at draco.

Vinnie and Draco stood facing each other, their wands extended, the air crackled with tension. Their eyes locked, each searching the other's gaze for any sign of hesitation or vulnerability. The silence between them was heavy, filled with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. Vinnie's heart raced in her chest, torn between conflicting emotions of anger, hurt, and a lingering flicker of the love she once held for Draco.

But just as the standoff reached its peak, a voice shattered the stillness, piercing through the air like a siren. It was the voice of Vinnie's brother, George. His shout cut through the tension, drawing both Vinnie and Draco's attention away from their imminent clash.

George's anger was palpable as he rushed towards them, his arms enveloping Vinnie in a protective embrace. His eyes darted from Draco to Abernathy's lifeless body on the ground.

"Who killed him?" George demanded, his voice trembling with a mix of sorrow and fury. Vinnie's heart ached at the sight of her brother's pain, the weight of loss heavy upon him.

"He did," Vinnie replied, her voice barely above a whisper. The words hung in the air, a painful admission that pierced through the chaos of the moment. Draco's eyes met Vinnie's, and in that instant.

You guys probably hate Vinnie rn Bsjbcjdjdj


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