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Vinnie Weasely grew up aware of being adopted. She's got 6 older brothers and one younger sister who are in no way related to her.

People liked making fun of her out of all the Weasleys who attended the school. Simply because she's different from the rest of her family. She have brunette curls while her siblings have ginger hair. She was in Ravenclaw while the others are in Gryffindor.

In terms of being sorted, as they said, the sorting hat considers your choice. But in her terms it speaks different.

11 year old Vinnie sat on the chair on front while professor McGonagall place the sorting hat on her head. It's mental how being sorted into a house at a mere age of 11 will soon portray your whole personality. Gryffindor; smart and brave Slytherin; cunning and ambitious, Ravenclaw; wit and intelligence, hufflepuff; trustworthy and loyal.

She wished to be in Gryffindor like the rest of her adoptive family but the sorting hat thinks otherwise. It said she was to be put in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin. She didn't want Slytherin and almost practically begged the sorting hat to not sort her there. It succeeded.

She was sorted into Ravenclaw.

People non-stop made fun of her but she wouldn't care and put any attention to it. As far as she's concerned they're just students who've got nothing else better to do with their life than bringing others down.

But one particular student who she expected to be made fun from the most did the opposite. He'd run and try to defend her when they reached 4th year. Before, her presence was merely visible to him.

He'd use his father's name in order to scare off student who try and threaten her. He's like a knight in shining armor and she'll be the damsel in distress— except, she didn't liked that. She doesn't like people come running to her for the rescue. Not one bit. Specially not from him. Him; Draco Malfoy.

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