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V i n n i e

Rumors spread like wildfire about a Weasley and a Malfoy dating. I expected that, it was only last night when people spotted me and Draco together, yet, after only a few hours passed in time almost the whole school know suddenly knows about it.

I clutched my books anxiously as I walk through the corridors of the school with every single students I'm passing by giving me a look.

I'm used to people being vocal about how bad I am but I'll never get use to people whispering things about me and not having an idea about it. I said before that yes, I do not care about it, I do not care about people talking behind my back, but I'm not the only one being talked about, Draco is as well.

I walk-run to my class, trying to avoid as much attention as possible. When I finally had sight of the classroom I bumped into someone. I troppled on the ground and my books flew off, I wasn't wearing any contacts today so when my glasses fell I could barely see anything, it all so blurry. I knelt on the ground and started patting the floor, looking for my glasses, I felt someone kick the book beside me. I payed no attention, I focused to finding my glasses.

Before I could find it someone picked me up and shouted "shove off, McLaggen" the person handed me my glasses, I wore it and saw Ginny. My glasses are cracked but I could still see through it.

"Thanks, Gin" I said, she took out her wand, pointed it on my glasses and flicked it, in a matter of seconds my glasses are good as new. I adjusted it again and smiled at her.

"Pathetic, Weasleys" McLaggen exclaimed, kicking another one of my books. Ginny looked at him with her middle fingers up high. I chuckled and picked up the books on the ground, Ginny helped me.

After picking up all the books, Ginny grasp my wrist, slightly pulls me so I was close to her, she whispered "I need to talk to you after class," she let go of my hand and I wriggle my eyebrows in confusion "don't act innocent, Vin. The rumors, they—" she was cutted off by someone shouting my name.

"Vin!" We both looked at the direction and saw Neville running to us. "You have ancient runes too?" he ask, catching his breath.

I nodded, he grabbed my hand, smiles goodbye at Ginny as we entered the classroom right in front of us. I relaxed on the seat when I found that the professor hasn't arrived yet, I placed my bag down and took out a few things to keep in notes during the discussion.

Neville sat beside me. "So, is it true?" He ask, looking at me.

I looked at him and nodded. It was no use hiding it anyway, and if Draco said he doesn't want it low-key, then we won't keep it low-key.

Neville's eyes widen as he look at me. "Really?? Is it really true??" He ask again.

I nodded once more "yes, Nev. It's true"

"Since when?" He whispered looking around, making sure no one would hear.

"Last night" I whispered back.

Neville took out something from his pocket and handed it to me, I looked at it and it looks like a vial. I switched my glance between the vial in my palm and Neville beside me. "What is this?" I ask.

"Antidote for love potion," he replied with a straight face. "You might need it"

I stifled my laugh then he'll look at me like I was some escapee in Azkaban.

He was about to say something when the professor arrived. I told him it can wait till later.


After ancient runes, I headed to care for magical creatures, then DADA, then history of magic. I plan to take all 12 classes but I hadn't time for it, I don't have the time turner like Hermione did.

Shorty after class, I found myself in the library again with stack of school books beside me. I flipped through the pages that Professor babbling ask us to do.

I don't like studying but somehow in every quizzes I would get the highest score in the class, I sometimes even exceed scores to Hermione. I didn't care of it, of course. But Hermione did, she'd sometimes sit beside me and ask for my study routine and I would stay silent. What was I to say? That I read novels instead of lessons most of the time?

Hours passed and by the time I finished the task it was already 7 pm. I stretch out, some of my bones would pop. I exhaled deeply while my head knocked up and my curls lazily flow down. I placed my legs up the table and slightly rising the front feet of my chair, the back of my head rested on the back of the chair. I closed my eyes and when I opened then I saw Draco's face, looking right down at me. I got startled and almost troppled down, he caught the chair and place it gently on its feet. I rest my hand on my heart and let out a soft chuckle. "You couldn't at least talk, I thought it was a ghost"

He pulled out a chair and sat beside me. "What's this?" He ask, picking up the papers on the table in front of me.

"Assignments, for ancient runes" I replied.

Draco's eyes travelled my face and later reached my neck. I was wearing the necklace he gave me. He reached out for it, his finger brushing on my skin. My eyes followed his gesture. I looked up at him as he spoke. "It really suits you,"

I felt my cheeks heat up, I clear my throat in attempt to hide my flustered smile. "Y-yeah uhmm, thanks"

He looked back up at me and smiled. God, his smile is beautiful.

Later, we exited the library and Draco carried my bag. I insisted him not to but he wouldn't take no for an answer.

The two of us walking beside each other, with Draco carrying my bag was enough for people to actually confirm the rumors. Everytime we pass through a group of student, they'd whisper something. I felt my anxiety rise. Draco leaned down to me and whispers "let them." I look at him and nodded.


Draco said he's to go because there held a meeting for the members of the inquisitorial squad and he was needed to attend, he's head boy after all. I waved him goodbye as I watch his silhouette fade through the hallways of Hogwarts.

I started walking the opposite direction, heading to my common room when someone shouted my name. I looked back and it was Ron, followed by Ginny and the twins.

"Ron, calm down. Let her explain first, it must a misunderstanding—" Ginny explained as Ron stomped his feet while making his way to me.

Ron's fist was clenched his face red. "Are you out of your bloody mind, Vinnie?"

I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrows "what?"

Ron scoffed "don't go at me with a simple what, you know bloody good what I was talking about"

I took a deep breath, no use pretending to not know anything. Why is the things I'm always expecting to face always comes sooner? I wasn't prepared.

"I know it seems odd, it's Draco of all people—"

He cut me off "odd? It's pathetic! What if he'd abandon you like your real parents did"

I froze. I knew he'd be mad but I didn't knew he'd go this far.

"Ronald!" Ginny reprimanded, pushing Ron off the way and stand beside me. The twins switched glances at each other then the three of us.

I felt my stomach drop when I heard those words. I know that, of course. But being reminded of it is the least I need, and from my own brother.

I felt a single tear roll on my cheek and I immediately wiped it and sighed deeply.

I clutched my bag and turned my back to them, making my way to my common room. I want to lay down, I need to lay down.

H I M ; Draco Malfoy Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant