Chapter 50

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Chapter 50:

"Well, Owen, it's been a while, hasn't it? I'm surprised to find you alone. Haven't you made wonderful friends?"

I stare at him, dumbfounded. "Yes, sir." I gulp, looking for hidden courage. "Why are you here?"

He chuckled. Yes, chuckled. It was quite eerie. "Well, I'm here for you, of course! Actually I'm here to pick up my son. This isn't the first time he's run away," He grimaced and glanced at his watch. "But, since you're here, why don't we take a walk?" I look at him quizzically but nod. The only reason I have to live is Grace and she seems perfectly happy with Mr. Perfect's not brother. What?

Mr. Grey begins walking in the direction of the forest and I follow, swallowing my fear. "I believe it is time to explain everything." He sighed, causing more confusion to ripple in my veins. "I-I really hate to have to say this to you, Owen. Trust me, it's possibly the worst thing I could do."

I stop mid track and step in front of Mr. Grey. "What are you talking about?!" I demand.

He sighed again. "Son, there's something I should tell you. You need to promise not to freak out though."
"Sir, I've been through Hell and back, I don't think I'll freak out. And I'm not your son. Don't forget, you were the one to put me through this Hell."

He stands up taller but slouches after a second or two. "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for putting you through this pain. But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?" He smiled and nudged me with his elbow but when he noticed my glare he dropped his arm. "Owen, remember when - I believe Megan - told you not to believe everything you see?" I nod, not blinking. "Well you really should listen to that advice. Owen, the Green Diamond isn't real. Mr. Stone isn't my clone, he's my twin brother who has a stage name. He's an actor, I'm an actor. Greystone isn't real. All this teleporting wasn't real."

"Excuse me? No, no, I think I would've known if this were a set. I would have known if I were I in some sort of show or something. It's been a god damn year, you hear me?" I'm screaming now and probably waking up the whole city, but I don't care! Heck, I could wake up the world if this is only some show.

"Scientists have come up with this new drug that can make you think that you are anywhere in the world. You were our guinea pig. Side effects include heavy sleeping and increased hormones as well as anxiety and anger. Most common side effect, stupidity and bravery." He looked down at his feet and I looked down at mine.

"What about my sister? She grew, like, a foot in a few months! That had to be magic! And those robots and her hair turning grey -" He held a finger to my lips.

"She was on steroids, your parents gave us permission to do so. The robots were decoys and the hair was dye."

"That's right! My parents! How do you explain that? Was their death just collateral damage, planned? Did you guys do that, or did they? What the hell is going on? Are my parents dead?" I whispered the last sentence.

Mr. Grey continued to look down at his feet and then finally spread his left arm out to the side. My parents walked out from the forest, hand in hand. Their expressions are blank. I turn to Mr. Grey again. "What about the voices in my head and the mermaids? Did you fake a fire? What about my town?"

"Owen, sit down. Your town in a decoy, the mermaids are decoys and well the voices were put there by the drug. Your friends are real, though. They are actors, but they were being themselves, just with powers."

"How do you explain the powers?" I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. I know that at times I just wish my life were back like it was but I can't bear the thought of none of this being real.

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