Chapter 48

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Chapter 48:

I found myself huddled against a corner of a dark alley. Graffiti covered the walls like pimples would cover a preteen's forehead. The temperature has dropped considerably in the last few moments yet I feel sweat lingering around my hairline. Why am I even here? I start biting my nails, an old nervous habit of mine. I feel a tap on my shoulder and hand cover my mouth. I yelp in surprise but a small calloused hand muffled any sound I made.

My eyes are starting to adjust to the darkness. The person put a finger to their lips. From their general shape, I'm guessing it's a man but it's hard to tell. They're wearing a hood covering any bit of face I could actually see. We come out to an abandoned street where only one light is illuminated.

The person lifts off their hood only to show a mask. "Owen," it said. The voice is definitely masculine. I nodded my head at it, bot sure what to say. "Oh for God's sake, it's Hunter!" My jaw dropped. Hunter was way smaller just yesterday. I start rambling until he claps a hand over my mouth.

I nodded. "Thanks, man." He put a hand on my shoulder and pushed me towards the street. I looked straight ahead but stole a few glances in his direction a few times. His gangly frame had changed and now he has muscles beyond of what I could ever dream. His red hair seems to have even more fire to it, if that's even possible and his eyes are a vibrant blue instead of translucent. He also has reached a height just a bit shorter than mine. He looks to be about thirteen with a few blemishes dotting his freckled face. "What happened to you?" I whispered.

Hunter laughed. "I found an actual Healer." His eyes sparkled as he said this. "I'm not dead, Owen! It wasn't to late!" His crooked teeth smiled up at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Dude that's great! One question though," He raised his eyebrows at me. "Why are we even here? Like are we stalling or something?"

"Dude you are so right everything else seems wrong. Look, I know Megan and she asked for a favor and stuff, and I kind of owe her one, I'll explain later." He looked at me giving a knowing glance. Of course he knew I would question everything. "Anyway, we're going to be here for a while and she thought you might have questions about bonds and death and stuff. Oh, I won't answer anything about her, by the way. Not now, at least. Sorry dude, her orders. So, first question?"

"None," I shrugged my shoulders. He laughed. "Seriously, I've leaned to not question this crap and just roll with it." He nodded. "Wait, I have one question. Who healed you?"

"Ah, that I cannot answer."

"What?! But you said you'd answer any question unless it concerned Megan! Oh..." My voice dropped a few decibels. "She's a healer too?! Is that why she and Gavin don't get along or is he just not likable?"

"Hey, dude, no answers about her for now, okay?" I nodded my head and looked down at my hands. "But Gavin really isn't liked by anyone but Rose. I don't get it." He sighed and threw his arms up in defeat. He checked his watch. "Hey look at that, we're done here. I'm going to send you back, okay?" I nodded my head and gave him an awkward side hug. "See you, Owen." I saluted him before I was wrapped up in a blanket of darkness.


Megan sat at the edge of the water, throwing stones into the tide. A serious wave of déjà vu just hit me, to be honest. Her brown hair is flowing down her back but a small braid cascades across her head. Her torn sundress made her look like a water nymph. So she's a healer and has water powers. Damn. I tapped her lightly tanned shoulder softly. She abruptly stood up, destroying the calm. "Sorry," she mumbled. Snapping her fingers, she changed into a leather jacket and black skinny jeans. Her hair automatically straightened and was put up into a high ponytail.

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