Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

We gathered the wood in silence. I still don’t feel the same connection that I felt with Rose…mostly because I am afraid of this whole mind reading thing…other than that, she is mesmerizing. Shhh. Can’t let my vulnerable mind think like that while she is around.

            We made it back to the “campsite” by sunset. I haven’t eaten anything other than an apple I found on a tree earlier that day. I’ve gotten used to the hunger. Out of nowhere this water nymph just suddenly pulls out a bow with a sack of arrows (?!). “Stay back,” She whispered to me. I complied and backed up a few steps. She drew her bow into her catgut arrow and shot…something? A deer! Where did that come from? (No, I don’t need an anatomy lesson.)

            “Eat.” She grunted. I must have looked pretty confused because she held up her fore finger and middle finger away from her and towards the carcass and a freaking red light shoots from the tips of her fingers, grilling the corpse. Well, if I was confused then, it is no match to how dumbfounded I just became. Like what the heck you don’t just do that! What kind of supernatural world is this?! Can I just go hide in a hole?

            Brook nodded towards the direction of the dead deer. “Eat.” She said it more firmly this time. I slowly walked towards it, one foot in front of the other. As I am almost only two feet away from this animal, a brown laser shoots through the small space between me and a tree, showering the grilled deer in seasonings and gravy. A vegetable patch appears next to it. I look over my shoulder only to see Brook smirking at me. Lovely. A table set for two with silverware and plates appears. Creepy.

“After you, monsieur.”

“Merci, beaucoup.”

“So you speak French?


“Tres bon, please stop.”

“Whatever you say.”

“Whatever I say, goes.”
“That’s not going to happen,”

“I know.” she said glumly. “Anyway eat this lovely carcass that I worked so hard on.”

            The meat suddenly appeared on the plates and the napkins on our laps. The silverware gravitated towards my hands. (Use the force…) This is far too weird. I’ve seen weird…this is a good weird, though. If it’s food, I’ll take it.


            By the time it became dark, half the carcass was gone. Brook got up and motioned for me to follow her. I really didn’t want to get up…but without her I’d probably end up getting eaten by…gulp…a wolf. Her dress seemed to change color in the moonlight, from a pale salmon pink to a royal blue that glimmers like the river. We were standing by the waters edge when she looked over, smiled at me, and jumped into the water, her hair unfazed by the sudden movement. Her dress perfectly waterproof.

            I stood by the edge, staring like an idiot. She grabbed my hand and yanked me in. The water is freezing. Holy crap I mean how does something like this get to be so cold in the summer?! I felt her hand grip my arm and I suddenly realized the fact that I am completely submerged in water and I can breathe! She let go and I felt all the air in my lungs go away…so Rose can lend energy and Brook can let me breathe underwater…what else am I going to find? An actual Mother of Nature who bakes cookies while creating forests?

“Follow me,” The freaking nymph can speak under water?! Can I? I don’t really want to try for fear of either scaring myself or making a fool. Not sure which is worse, considering I’ve already had a significant amount of both. We were swimming to somewhere in the middle of this weird river…I mean how deep are rivers?

It doesn’t appear like Brook is taking me anywhere in particular, maybe she just wants to have some fun…wait that sounded wrong. Maybe she just wants to play around…wrong too…wow I have a dirty mind, I really need some help. Maybe we’ll just play around. NOT CHANGING MY WORD CHOICE AGAIN!

Turns out there’s no glorious water palace, only river fish. Nonetheless, it really is very beautiful. We swim around with her hand gripped tightly around my wrist…probably the thing that is allowing me to breathe right now.

She motioned for me to swim up and we reached the river shore. She smiled at me just because sometimes there is nothing to do but smile or cry, and in this case, we smiled. My hair and clothes were completely dry, the same with Brook. What is up with this weird life?

“You mentioned something about a girl named Rose. Did she happen to have red hair and disappear in a shadow or fire portal sometimes?”

“Yeah that’s her,” I answered.

“That freaking demon bitch.”

“Whoa…easy there tiger. What happened?”

“So you know how I’m water? She’s fire. Need I say more?”
“Yes,” I said, being the smartass that I am.

“Ugh, fine. I’m a nymph, she’s a demon. Fire equals bad, water equals good. It’s basic knowledge did you ever go to school, or at least read comics?”

Brook sounds exasperated and I’m so not in the mood for a hormone crazed teenage girl. Oh dear lord please help me if this girl is on her period I’m screwed. And I ain’t screwin’ with this bitch. I feel like slapping myself. Since when do I talk like this? Girls are so hard to read, boys are so much easier.

“So, she’s fire, doesn’t mean she’s a demon!” I defended.
“Yes, it does!” The nymph retaliates well, but not well enough. I really need to slap myself.

“So, people choke on water, but it isn’t considered evil, is it?”

“I suppose not…” Brook was contemplating her next move. Guess she decided I’m not worth it because she sat down and motioned for me to go to sleep…well she waved me away…same thing.

            It’s interesting how Brook makes me…question things…

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