Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:


            “O-Owen!” She screamed, her voice raspy. Her hair, a mousy blonde, dull, not quite grey but not fully restored to it’s natural beauty. Her once bright eyes had turned to a stormy grey. I grabbed her, pulling her into a hug that would strangle her if she were any smaller.

“You’re alive,” I managed, tears coming to my face. Kyle takes this moment to wake up. He looks like a zombie walking across the beach. His face pale and he looks clammy. It looks like he is sleepwalking but he is grunting like…something that is in a lot of pain. His groans turn into wails of agony. Grace still in my arms, I balance her on my hip as I run to Kyle. ”Dude, you all right?”

“You fucking stabbed me, man. Or slashed. On the bright side, I know you’re power.”

I nearly drop Grace as I rush down to the sandy ground. I put Kyle’s head under my hand. “You’re Hell.” Kyle rasped. Black blood is coming out of his mouth. His hand is covering something on his shoulder. I tenderly move his calloused hand away. His skin is smoking and there is a large gash, pure black with red around it.

“You’re dying,” I sniffed. No ambrosia or antidote could heal him. Not now, not ever.

“You’re missing the point,” He was coughing, blood sputtering everywhere. “You’re power, It’s Hell.” He hands me a note. On it, it says, How to Tell Your Power: Hell Edition.

“What do you mean Hell?!” I am astounded at this sudden…news. Hell isn’t an element, nor a place. It is merely an expression used when angered. Kyle shakily brought his forefinger to my mouth, tears falling down his face. “It wasn’t supposed to end this way.” All Kyle does is nod. “You…You are my only friend.”

“Be careful. Remember, you are Hell.” His eyes slowly closed. Kyle’s head dropped first and then his hand lowered. His shoulder stopped smoking. I know this isn’t some princess movie where tears heal, but I am seriously considering dropping my tears into his mouth or something. The note is carefully placed in my hand. There are bloodstains, my tears washing off most of the things.

            My mind is trying to wrap around what just happens. All I can think of, though, are his last words. You are Hell.


            I carefully unwrap the note, only slightly aware of Grace sitting next to me. Here goes. How to Tell Your Power: Hell Edition.

            Congratulation, you obviously think you have just found your power. This information will test you to see if results match or if you are misinformed. With the Hell power, you can turn people into demons, however, it is incredibly hard to control them and, if needed, turn them back to normal.

            Also, any sword, imperial gold or not, will have the powers of imperial gold however much more powerful. You can kill monsters instantly and mortals within minutes. People with powers, well that can take many hours, however still fatal if even slightly slashed.  You will be completely safe from imperial gold if you have the Hell power. You can summon people from the dead. You are likely a relative of Satan someway or another.

            We are about to scan you, please do not move.

            A few seconds later, a red laser comes up to my eye, nearly blinding me. After a few more seconds it shuts off. A new message appears on the note.

            Power detected: Hell. Congratulations, you now know your power. Lean how to use it and it will come in handy. Fail to do so, your life will be over before you can say Greystone Orphanage.


It knows.

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