Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

POV: David


            I lead Grace into her own room, tucking her in for the night. Once all of my guests were asleep, I went to talk to my mom.

"No, he doesn't suspect a thing!"

"But-" my mom interjected.

"Ma, I've been with him for nearly eight months I'm fairly sure if he knew he would've murdered me by now."

"Does he know your power?"

"He thinks I'm a healer."

"Honey, do those even exist?"

"No but the kid is so stupid he'll never know."

"Does he actually think he's the heir of Satan?"

"That's what I told him," I laughed.

"What an idiot!" She slapped her knee. "So, between you and me, what's his actual power?"

"That's the thing, he doesn't have one."

"Oh?" my mom did not sound very surprised.

"But his sister, damn now she is a ray of sunshine. She has the light power."

"That's not an element though!"

"She's not an Elemental. She's special. We need to keep her safe. Meanwhile, keep your eye on the boy, he's trouble."


End of Part I

(A/N: Whoa who saw that coming? I'm going to work on Part II a bit before I upload again. Hope you liked this plot twist, I just needed something to get the story going.)

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