Chapter 39

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Chapter 39:

How to Tell Your Power: Hell Edition.

            Congratulation, you obviously think you have just found your power. This information will test you to see if results match or if you are misinformed. With the Hell power, you can turn people into demons, however, it is incredibly hard to control them and, if needed, turn them back to normal.

            Also, any sword, imperial gold or not, will have the powers of imperial gold however much more powerful. You can kill monsters instantly and mortals within minutes. People with powers, well that can take many hours, however still fatal if even slightly slashed.  You will be completely safe from imperial gold if you have the Hell power. You can summon people from the dead. You are likely a relative of Satan someway or another.

            I groan, this is the same paper as last time. Gavin's words are echoing in my vulnerable mind. "Be clever." I turned the paper over. I spit on it, stomped on it, put it in a muddy puddle, yet nothing was doing any damage to the paper and no changes had occurred. I called Rose over (who was nervously pacing) to come help me.

            Studying the paper, she snapped her fingers, as if an idea had popped into her head. Well, the snapping caused a small fire to ignite on her fingers. Smirking at this new idea, she put her fingers to the paper. The paper didn't burst into flames. Quite the contrary, words were beginning to appear.

            Hello, you have obviously been chosen by Earth to be an elemental. You have reacted to fear well and are eligible to be one of us. You will find more information as your journeys continue. Oh, congratulations!

            I look up, a smile creeping up on my face. Rose's facial expression matches mine. "Guess you're growing on me!" I joke.

"I set fire to your life," she smirked. I pushed her to the side.

She put her finger to her lips ad got up. I tiptoed behind her. I forgot we were supposed to be quiet, whatever. Roaming the streets of England is fun. Judging by the giant clock tour, we are in London. Hand in hand, we run through the busy streets. I noticed that base off of where we are, our outfits change. Rose is wearing a beige plaid coat with jeans and a black T-Shirt. She looks like Sherlock Holmes. She's my Sherlock. I don't even bother to look at I'm wearing. I stare at my surroundings, astounded by the life around me. This is nothing like back home where there is only a small village and a few homes and the only way to get out is by train. "So how do I use my powers?" I breathe out, pulling up next to Rose.

She looked at me. "That's for you to figure out." She let go of my hand, running ahead. I ran as fast as I could without dying of a heart attack.

"Wait up!" I yelled after her. She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. Then she started to run faster. Think, Owen, think. I willed myself to focus on the earth to help me. Shooting my hand in front of me, vines shot out of the ground and wrapped around Rose's ankles, thwarting her from moving any further. I casually walked up to her. "So, how's that for using my powers correctly?" I smirked.

"Ugh. Let's go, just de-vine me." She groaned.

"Must I?" I joked. "I'm having far too much fun!" She pushed me, causing my mind to wander off of the vines tangling her legs like a flytrap.

"Aha!" she jumped. "Freedom!" Yelling into the streets of London, she broke off into a run and once again, I was following. 

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