Chapter 35

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Chapter 35:

            I stayed by the water's edge watching the sunset when a girl with hair the color of it sat down next to me. "I owe you some explanation, don't I?" she said promptly.

"Some?" I joked.

"A lot," she said. "Where should I start?"

"Well, you have a choice. Why did you or what's up with you and Gavin?"

"Oh God. I suppose I'll start with Gavin because he came first." I nodded, urging her to continue. "This could take a while," she sighed. "So when I first started running, doesn't matter from what right now, I met Gavin basically the same way you and I met. Well he loved me and at the time I loved him. I know, so cliché right? Whatever, anyway when Kyle came into the picture, I ended up liking him instead. Gavin and Kyle nearly killed each other and at that point I was so frightened I ran away. This was probably about two years ago. I was on the run until I met you. I guess Gavin somewhat controlled you or something and when we...well, you already know. You transferred some of your powers to me giving Gavin some control over me. You didn't turn me into a demon, Owen, I promise you that. It's not your fault." She said, tears cascading down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry." I muttered. She shook her head.

"Gavin always thought we had a future, I never agreed. Okay, so we've established the fact that you didn't make me a demon and who Gavin is. What else do you want to know?"


"Um, that's all for now I guess," She sighed. She was shaking despite the warm weather. I pulled her closer to me, making sure she was safe. So there's stuff with Kyle too. I'll find more out later, I'm determined to.


            Kyle made a fishing rod and caught some sort of fish that I am hoping is edible. We sat in silence while we nibbled our charred fish seasoned in ocean water. Next to our fire it was fairly warm however Rose was still shivering. Kyle sat cross-legged, nervously glancing at Rose the whole time. As for me, I kept a respectable distance away from everybody. I felt that if I had talked I likely would have puked. Story of my life, I suppose.

            Rose stood up and threw her half eaten fish into the crystal water. Brushing off invisible crumbs, she stood up and quietly walked out. Kyle and I shared a confused glance and made a silent agreement for me to go talk to her. She was somewhere deep in the island's forest when I caught up to her.

            Her back was turned to me but I could already hear her cries. I really didn't want to borrow her but before I could think about anything else, I lightly tapped her on the shoulder. She immediately looked at me and her hand instinctively went to her eyes. Wiping at them vigorously she managed a weak greeting before collecting herself. She tried to stand up but I pushed her back down. Looking confused, she stayed on the sandy ground. I sat down next to her. She tried to push me away but I wouldn't move.

"So, we're stuck here." She finally said.

"Yo, when Kyle feels well enough to fly again or if you feel well enough to create a portal...seeing I'm only a mortal I can't do anything."

"Okay first of all, when I feel well enough and secondly, you can do things, just not magic. And block your brain to Gavin, I mean David. As long as you keep him in mind he can't control you."

"As long as I'm looking at you he'll be in my mind." Rose put her face in her hands. "I mean because I want revenge."


"Oh crap!" I yelled, hitting my face with the palm of my hand. "I left Grace with David's mom."

"Gavin's mom died years ago in a fire." My face turned white as a ghost.


"Hush, Owen, we'll figure it out."

            I hoped she was right. For now all we can do is wait. We sat on the soft ground, her head on my shoulder. We talked a bit, but nothing I really wanted to discuss. Kyle yelled something about going to sleep a few hours ago. Rose and I stayed up staring at the starry sky. I was thinking what life would be like without powers and everything that makes everything complicated.

            For now, oh for now, all I care about was that I am away from all disturbances (unless you count Kyle) and I am with Rose. I care about absolutely nothing else. The entire world could be burning and I wouldn't care as long as we are safe. Rose, however, is burning because, damn, she is hot. That and she actually has fire powers...

I'm a walking cliché. 

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