Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Help me!”

“Whoa, uh, dude, what’s up?”

“My house burned down, my parents are dead, I don’t have any money, and I’m desperate, man. Think we can spend the night?”

“Eh sure whatever. I’ll ask my mom. I mean I am your best friend right? I’ll be right back.”

“And my only friend.” I muttered to myself.

            I tried to make sure Grace kept sleeping. She was heavy, but she was all I had. I couldn’t leave her anywhere.

“Yo dude, uh my mom said that you can’t spend the night. But, she does know a place you can. She’ll drive you there.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.”

“No problem,” he said with a smirk on his face.

            Was he really my best friend? Or were we just friends. If even that. Where was his mom taking us? Maybe to a park bench. Maybe she would be nice enough to lend us a pillow and a blanket. Wherever it was, it was better than sleeping on the ruins of our old house.

            I was wrong. Where she took us was worse than sleeping on the ruins of our old house. As we drove up, I realized where we were. My family and I spent many holidays there giving out fresh fruit to the children. It was a horrible place. We were at the orphanage.

“No!” I said to Henry’s mom. “You can’t bring us here! Please! They’ll separate us! I won’t be with my sister. Please.” I started crying. Harry’s mom ignored me. Grace chose that moment to wake up.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Um, nothing. Absolutely nothing. Everything is fine. We will be okay. Don’t worry.”

            Who was I kidding? We had so many reasons to worry. But she didn’t need to know that. She was too young.

            Henry’s mom dropped us off at the curb. She made me get out. She literally kicked us out. She got back into her car, opened the window and said, “Didn’t your mom ever tell you never to invite yourself over?” she cackled. She was wicked.

            A man in a suit walked up to us. “Ah, Greystone Orphanage, home for the needy children has been expecting you, Mrs. Cole called. I am Mr. Grey.”

“Oh yes, well Mrs. Cole has been mistaken. You see, I went to my friend Henry’s house for a sleepover. She thought my parents were dead!” I laughed to prove myself.

“Huh. I think you would like a place to sleep, wouldn’t you?”

“Sir, I’m fourteen, I’m sure I can figure it out.”

“Get inside!” he growled. I unwillingly obeyed. He picked up Grace from my arms. I tried to protest but he covered my mouth. I kicked and thrashed but had no luck. I was done for. Grace was still asleep. Mr. Grey motioned to another man in a suit to get me. I tried to make a run for it. The other man in the suit grabbed my collar. I was running in air. “I am Mr. Stone,” he stated.
“And I am Mr. I don’t care.”

“That attitude shall not be tolerated here!” he said. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. I was going to be here a long time. But what about Grace?

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